You Will Pay

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Felix unlocked the door and the couple went inside. Before their shoes were even off their feet Jeongin charged at Felix and hugged him.

He pulled away not even a second later and inspected Felix's face, squishing his cheeks in the process.

"Uhm.. Innie. I'm ok." Felix mumbled out as best he could with the limited movement of his mouth.

Hyunjin pulled Jeongin's arms down and the younger glared at him. "What did you do to make him cry?!" He yelled out.

Hyunjin sighed and rolled his eyes. "I didn't do anything."

"I'll believe that when I see it." Minho came up behind Jeongin, pushing his sleeves up his arm.

"Okay, everyone will you calm down. Leave him alone." Felix huffed as he got in between Hyunjin and the 2 bodyguards.

"Well then, what happened?" Minho crossed his arms, keeping his glare on Hyunjin.

"It was Chan. He texted me." Felix stated calmly, grabbing Hyunjin by the hand and leading him over to the couch. Minho and Jeongin following closely behind.

"Okay..?" Minho followed up.

Felix pulled out his phone and opened the chat, passing it to Minho before sitting down on the couch next to Hyunjin and leaning his head on the older's shoulder.

Minho's eyes widened and he let out a physical snarl. Jeongin snatched the phone from him and read the messages. Before he could react to the message, Minho had walked over to Hyunjin and punched him straight in the face.

"MINHO!" Felix yelled out, pushing his brother away. Minho shook his hand from the pain and took a deep breath.

Hyunjin stretched his jaw to try to ease the pain.

"What the hell was that for?!" Felix yelled out. Minho glared at Hyunjin. "The bet."

Felix scoffed and walked over to the freezer, grabbing 2 bags of frozen peas and handed one to Hyunjin.

"That was before we met... well in this decade." Felix hissed out with squinted eyes. He passed the second bag to Minho who hissed as he pressed it to his aching knuckles.

"Still" Minho gritted.

"It's ok Pixie. I deserved that." Hyunjin spoke softly, pulling Felix back down onto the couch. The younger immediately started to baby Hyunjin's injured jaw and stroked his other cheek with his hand.

"Are you guys done with your alpha showdown?" Jeongin huffed out in annoyance.

Hyunjin was going to speak up but Felix raised his eyebrow at him, making Hyunjin slide back down and nod in defeat. Jeongin looked at Minho who kept a neutral expression but didn't bother to say a word.

"I'll take that as a yes." He mumbled before sitting down on the couch next to Felix. "So... what are we doing about Chan?"

"What do you mean?" Felix asked in a neutral tone.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin countered before hissing in pain when Felix dabbed his cut lip.

"I mean. We are not doing anything about Chan." Felix rolled his eyes and Minho, Jeongin, and Hyunjin looked at him with disbelief.

"You're kidding right?" Minho chimed in.

Felix looked at him with frustration in his eyes. "No. I just want to move past it. He's an ass but I am not exactly innocent in this. I'll take it as my punishment and move forward. So drop it."

"What?! Felix he can't say those things to you and get away with it!" Minho glared back.

"What do you mean you aren't exactly innocent innocent in this? Last I checked he was the possesive asshole." Jeongin asked.

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