Let Summer Begin

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Jeongin quickly left the party, dragging a stumbling Felix behind him. Felix had greatly sobered up since the whole ordeal but was still tipsy enough for the drunk goggles to mess up his balance. Jeongin halted and Felix stumbled into him.

"Man is there a time I will stop moving without a human barrier to crash into?" Felix scoffed, attempting to lighten the mood a little but was quickly pulled into a tight hug from Jeongin.

"I am so sorry!" Jeongin muffled into his shoulder as he sobbed. Felix immediately melted into the hug, still in shock from the events.

"It's OK Innie. I'm ok." Felix tried to console to crying friend smushed into his shoulder.

Jeongin continued to sob, feeling even more guilty for now having to be consoled by the one who was actually hurt.

"Jeongin, Felix?! What the hell happened?! Hyunjin told me you guys were leaving." Seugmin stormed out of the front door, aggressively nudging the couple sucking eachother's faces off on the front porch.

"I-it was Lix, he was harassed.." Jeongin stated with his head down in shame.

"I thought you were watching him?!" Seungmin countered.

"It wasn't his fault Minnie. I thought I would be fine on my own and I didn't check who sat next to me before clinging on." Felix interjected, making sure no blame came to Jeongin just for having a full bladder.

"What do you mean?" Seungmin asked, Jeongin joining suit, both tilting their heads in confusion.

"Someone came next to me on the couch and I assumed Jeongin came back from the bathroom but it was this stranger. Without thinking I latched onto his arm and he got the wrong idea. I-I started it all. I know he shouldn't have forced me on his lap and held me there. I know that I said no and he kept going despite my efforts to flee. But I, I started it.." Felix now dropped his head in shame and both boys engulfed him in a hug.

"Lixie, you did nothing wrong. First of all, you were drunk, don't call yourself stupid for that. He should have respected your no to begin with." Seungmin stated and Jeongin nodded his head in agreement.

"So how did you get free?" Seungmin added.

"Some guy-" Felix started.

"Hyunjin punched the guy. Guess he's still at least got some decency left in him." Jeongin interupted with a chuckle.

"Wait.. that was Hyunjin... as in your brother Hyunjin?" Felix finally sober enough to catch on asked quizically.

"Huh who would have guessed Mr. One Night Stand somehow is still a gentleman." Seungmin scoffed.

"No wonder he smelled like you" Felix mumbled under his breath.

"Huh?!" Seungmin and Jeongin both whipped their heads toward Felix.

Felix blushed and lowered his gaze to the ground. "N-nothing... can we go to your place now Jeongin..? You said I could stay the night... and I... don't really want to be alone right now.." Felix requested hesitantly.

"Oh! Yeah of course baby... come on let's go. Bye Minnie." Jeongin grabbed Felix's hand and they started walking back toward Jeongin's house.

"Oh Minnie... if you see Hyunjin can you thank him for me..? Everything happened so fast I never got to thank him." Felix asked, suddenly more nervous.

"What do I look like a transcriber?" Seungmin sassily responded, Felix chuckled lightly, thankful for the return to normalcy. He was starting to get more sad with all the pity.

Jeongin and Felix made it back to his house, his parents had already gone to bed so they made their way up the stairs to his room as quietly as possible. Felix and Jeongin both wiped off their smudged makeup from their tears and laid in the bed.

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