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Hyunjin pulled up to the house and sat in his car for a solid minute to think through his game plan.

Was he acting completely unlike himself? Absolutely. He would normally be confident to the point of having to hold his tongue to avoid a punch being thrown, but I guess it's much easier to be confident when there is nothing to lose. Now, he had EVERYTHING to lose. He had Felix to lose. He needed a minute.

Time was counting down though, and it was now 5:55. He needed to get a move on. He stepped out of the car and picked up his flowers. He made sure he looked presentable before walking his way to the front door. Right when he raised his hand to knock, the door opened.

In the doorway stood Minho. He had his arms crossed over his chest and looked at Hyunjin with a raised brow, looking up and down with an unamused expression.

"Hey... uh... Minho." Hyunjin spoke out sheepishly.

Minho cleared his throat and Hyunjin snickered lightly, immediately hiding it with a cough.

Minho continued to look at him in silence and Hyunjin decided enough was enough.

"Ok.. go ahead. Hit me with it." He stated respectfully. Hyunjin knew what Minho was doing, he knew Felix's dad wasn't around. He respected Minho for sizing up his brother's date and trying to keep him safe.

Minho smirked and raised his fist up, making Hyunjin flinch.

"Minho!" Hyunjin could hear his angel's voice from inside the house. Minho held his same position but turned his head to face inside the house.

"What? He said hit me." Minho shrugged.

"Actually I said hit me with it." Hyunjin mumbled. Minho immediately whipped his head back around and glared at Hyunjin, who flinched in response.

"You are not allowed to actually hit my date!" Felix came into view and grabbed Minho's arm, forcing it back down to his side.

Felix looked over at Hyunjin and the older could have sworn his eyes sparkled. He could feel his heart squeeze at the sight. Felix's gaze fell to the flowers and a bright smile appeared on his face. "Are these for me?" He asked cutely.

Hyunjin nodded with a sweet smile. Their moment was interrupted when Minho snatched the flowers. "Actually, these are for me. Consider it payment for leaving his handsome face alone." He grumbled.

Felix squinted his eyes at Minho and snatched the flowers back, pressing his face close to them to smell them. With the cutest smile he admired them and fixed the impact Minho's rough handling caused.

Felix turned his gaze back to Hyunjin and let himself take in the sight fully. His heart full on skipping a beat as he looked in Hyunjin's eyes.

"You better leave his very handsome face alone Min." Felix threatened. "Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful." Felix kissed Hyunjin on the cheek and  turned his attention back to Minho briefly.

"I'm going to put these in some water. He better be untouched by the time I come back." Felix poked Minho in the chest with a glare and then threw Hyunjin a sweet smile before dissapearing inside.

Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle in admiration at the stark contrast between the 2 interactions.

"Minho, I respect you protecting him. Go ahead and give it to me." Hyunjin stated with a genuine smile.

Minho huffed and crossed his arms on his chest again. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you about the war you will be starting if you fuck this up, but I'm going to do it anyway. You hurt him and I will beat you to a pulp."

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