Game On

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"Felix, how nice to see your face again!" Felix's mom walks up to him and soon as he steps into the house and squishes his cheeks in her hand before pulling him into a tight hug.

Felix couldn't help but giggle and return the hug just as tightly. "Mom! I was gone for 2 days not a lifetime!" Felix was playful in his tone and his heart just felt warm.

"Hey! Let me dote on my baby while he's still here. Before you know it you'll be gone off like your brother and I'll just miss you so much!" She swayed them both back and forth and Felix let out a cute giggle making his mom coo.

"I love you mom." He stated, pressing his face into her shoulder to take in her scent while he could. In his mom's hold he could truly let all of his worries and stresses melt away.

"I love you too baby." His mom pressed a big kiss on his cheek before letting go. Felix playfully spread a disgusted look on his face but deep down he loved how affectionate his mom was. He also tended to be a big cuddle bug when close with people but with the stress of the past couple of days he hadn't been as affectionate as usual.

"Now that you're here, we have to go get stuff for your brother's room. I need your help picking stuff out for him." His mom walked over to the table to grab her purse and the list of things they need that she had been working on previously.

Felix nodded and went to the bathroom before following his mom out the door and to the car.

Once they got to the store Felix and his mom were walking through the isles grabbing some toiletries and some extra towels for Minho's bathroom in the house. The next thing on the list were some new sheets for the guest bed, it hadn't been used yet so they needed new ones.

As they were walking down the isle Felix's face immediately brightened.

"Sungie??" Felix smiled brightly. A boy about his age turned to face him and his chubby cheeks were puffed with a bright smile back.

"Lixie!" The boy runs over to him and tackles him into a hug.

Felix giggled strained by the impact. "Jisung I saw you like a week ago at school!"

"Shh accept my love!" The boy argued back. Felix's giggle turned into a laugh but he squeezed the boy back.

"Are you h-here for Minho..?" Jisung asked shyly.

Felix playfully rulled his eyes and gagged. "Yes Sung we are." He teasingly smiled at the now blushing boy and pinched his cheeks.

"Before you have to ask, he's coming back tomorrow."

Jisung cleared his throat. "O-oh cool..." he shyly turned his head from Felix's relentless teasing. Felix knew Jisung had a crush on his brother since they bumped into eachother when he came here for college the year before Felix moved back to Korea. Much to Felix's dismay, he had a feeling his brother may feel something for Jisung as well but had never been open about it.

"You know you never told me what happened with you guys." Felix stated to him suspiciously.

"We just had coffee when we ran into eachother.." Jisung responded shy again.

"Hmm right. Ok." Felix wiggled his eyebrows and giggled. Jisung was quick to smack him in the arm making Felix laugh and rub his arm soothingly.

"You know... since Minho is coming back tomorrow, why don't we go to Seungmin's to swim? I'll invite Minho to come along~" Felix sang and nudged Jisung with his elbow.

"Hmm I don't know Lix... don't go making things obvious" Jisung groaned.

"Come on I'm sure he will love it!" Felix squealed out softly looking at Jisung with stars in his eyes, the older coo'd.

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