Taking My Time

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Hyunjin woke up to the oh so familiar eery tune of his alarm. It is supposed to be the more gentle way to wake up compared to the blaring horn one he used to have, but it failed so miserably at being more soothing.

He smacked his phone multiple times to snooze it and went to turn to sleep more when he was met with a mop of hair and a faint vanilla scent. He opened his eyes to be faced with to top of Felix's head and the feeling of his steady breaths hitting his collarbone.

He smiled softly and embraced the warmth. Somehow in their sleep, they had moved to where Felix's head was now laid on his upper arm and one of his smaller hands was holding onto Hyunjin's shirt.

He was pulled out of his little bubble by the memory of why he had an alarm in the summertime anyway.

"Hey Pixie.." He whispered to the younger boy, moving his hair out of his face. Felix only mumbled and wrapped himself tighter around Hyunjin, inhaling deeply into his neck and smiling.

"Pixie.. come on. If you want cuddles are you have to is ask.. but we gotta get up." Hyunjin smirked, recognizing that Felix was slowly waking up by the change in his breathing.

Felix scrunched his face and opened his eyes slowly, groaning. "Innie.. leave me be.. it's too early." Felix swatted at the air with his hand before dropping it back around Hyunjin. He furrowed his brow and touched Hyunjin's chest and stomach a couple of times before shooting his head up.

He was faced with Hyunjin's very amused, smirking face.

"Shit.. sorry. I thought you were Innie." Felix rubbed the back of his neck and blushed.

"And you had to grope my chest and stomach to figure that out?" Hyunjin's smirk widened and he raised his eyebrows.

"Well... you're uhm... bigger.. and more.. uhm muscular.." Felix mumbled under his breath. He ran his hand through his hair trying not to lose it over the low chuckle that escaped Hyunjin's mouth.

"Well thanks Pixie... I think?"

The air around them was thick until Felix finally broke it. "Uhm I'm gonna go get ready.." Felix pointed with his thumb upstairs and Hyunjin just looked at him amused before nodding.

Felix briskly dissapeared up the stairs.

"You guys are so awkward, God what happened to you man?" Jeongin mumbled from the other side of the bed fort they made.

"Oh shut up. I thought it was cute." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs to his own bedroom to change.

"Pix, you almost ready? If you want to get there at 8 we gotta go." He knocked on Jeongin's bedroom door and Felix opened it, he was dressed casually but nicely. They smiled at eachother warmly and Hyunjin led the way out of the house, opting to get breakfast later since neither were necessarily hungry at this point.

Throughout the car ride, Felix was fiddling with his fingers in his lap, catching Hyunjin's attention.

"You nervous?" He glanced to the side. Felix looked out of his window at the passing buildings.

"No.. W-hy would you say that?" Felix's fiddling escalated to him picking at his nails. Hyunjin didn't respond, simply placed his hand on Felix's, not looking away from the road and keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

"You're fiddling. Wanna try again?" He pulled his hand off of Felix's making the younger pout before quickly biting his dissapointment away.

"OK maybe a little." Felix huffed. Hyunjin chuckled lightly. "I don't like confrontation and I don't want to hurt Chan."

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