Something Borrowed

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"Dumpling...?" Felix called out sweetly as he turned off the car.

Hyunjin was so lost in thought that he blanked, looking over at the house that had become so familiar to him during that summer four years ago.

The younger cupped his boyfriend's cheek and turned his head to face him before kissing him sweetly. "We're here, my love." He cooed.

Hyunjin cleared his throat to snap himself out of the apparent daze and nodded, smiling softly as a memory popped into his head.

"Hm. Remember when I dropped you off after our first date and you slipped into my lap to give me a 'proper goodnight kiss'?" He smirked with a confident chuckle.

"Oh don't even pretend you didn't like that. I also distinctly remember having to wait a minute for you to 'calm down' after I did!" Felix teased back.

Hyunjin let out a genuine laugh and nodded. "Hell yeah I did. Your brother already punched me after, I didn't need to give him any more reasons to." He argued back defensively.

Felix pouted and rubbed Hyunjin's cheek where the bruise used to be. "He didn't have any reason to punch you. You didn't really know me."

Hyunjin grabbed his hand off his cheek and kissed it. "He did. I don't care if I only knew you from when we were kids. What I said was wrong and I would have punched anyone who said that too, knowing what I know now."

Felix kissed him tenderly with a soft smile. "You definitely proved to me that you're worthy of everything I am." He cooed sweetly and kissed him one more time before looking back over at the house. "Are you ready?"

Hyunjin took a deep breath and nodded, pulling the handle of the door to open it and stepping outside. The air was cold and crisp and the wind immediately blew his hair in his face.

Felix rang the doorbell and squeezed Hyunjin's hand in reassurance, realizing something was up, although he didn't know what.

Mrs. Lee happily opened the door with a big smile that was so reminiscent of Felix's. It had the same contagious quality and brightness to it.

"Baby!" She pulled Felix into a bone crushing hug as if it had been years since she's seen him. In reality, Felix had gone back to visit him mom at least once a month, occasionally with Hyunjin as guest.

"And, Hyunjin!" She cooed before pulling him into a similar bone crushing hug, although the older didn't mind. It was the much preferred alternative to being despised and a much more clear notification of acceptance than he got from Minho after all these years.

"Come in! It's freezing out here!" She ushered quickly and pulled the two lovebirds inside. "Go sit, I made hot chocolate!" She shooed them towards the couch after taking off their jackets and rain shoes. Felix giggled endearingly at his mother's aggressively loving nature.

Hyunjin took a seat and Felix followed right next to him. Mrs. Lee came out with a tray of cups and and a tin of cookies, making Felix's face light up.

"Are those...?" He asked with a squeal. Mrs. Lee smiled brightly and eagerly nodded her head in excitement.

"Yup! Your dad's famous Anzac biscuits. Grandma found the recipe while she was cleaning out his things and gave it to me when I went to visit." Mrs. Lee explained with a bittersweet tone.

"Anzac biscuits..? Like cookies?" Hyunjin asked intrigued.

Felix looked at him with genuine offense. "They are not cookies!" He defended dramatically.

Hyunjin held his hands up in defense with a light chuckle. "Ok Pixie, sorry." He laughed.

Felix took a deep breath to calm himself. "Sorry, it's a common misconception... my dad used to make these all the time. I used to help him with them.." his voice trailed off to a sadder one and his expression dropped.

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