New Connections

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The sound of someone clearing their throat could be heard behind Minho and both Lee brothers turned to face the noise.

Changbin stood behind them, holding a piece of paper towel to his nose with serious looking Seungmin and Jeongin behind them.

Immediately Minho stepped in front of Felix to protect him.

"Relax Minho, I'm here to apologize." He huffed put, looking back at Seungmin and Jeongin and rolling his eyes. He sighed before continuing. Felix stepped out from behind Minho, sending an unamused look at Changbin.

"Look Felix, I'm sorry for bringing that up. I was trying to Psych you out but I was wrong to use that against you." He mumbled out. Felix knew his apology was bull but he just really didn't want to be reminded anymore.

"Ok thanks. All good." Felix nodded and gave a small smile, walking past Changbin to head back outside to the pool.

Minho glared at him and mumbled a "he's better than I would have been" while walking past Changbin. The tension in the air was thick for a while but everyone went back to their activities.

"Hey... sorry for awkwardly staying out here.. it didn't seem like my place to be involved in it.." Chan cautiously walked over to Felix and took a seat next to him.

"No I'm sorry. It's ok, I'm sorry it turned into a such a big scene." Felix chuckled nervously, splashing his feet in the pool.

"Wanna talk about it?" Chan leaned into him slightly, making sure to still keep a respectable distance.

"Not really.. I just apparently have very bad taste" Felix laughed.

"Ah I see... well who knows, maybe someone will come around that will prove you wrong." Chan nudged into him. "I for one, haven't known you for more than, hmm... 2 hours? But I would be lucky if I ever had that chance."

The smoothness in which it rolled off Chan's tongue made Felix blush furiously and his his face in his hands.

Chan suddenly dipped his hand in the water and splashed Felix right in the face. He removed his hands and gasped at the audacity.

"Ooohh you didn't!" Felix giggled out.

"You had a little something on your face so I was just helping you out!" Chan laughed. Felix dropped down into the pool and when he resurfaced sent a wave over to Chan who got soaked.

"So did you, that cocky smirk had no business on your face." Felix sassily cocked his head to the side causing Chan to laugh more. Felix walked over closer to Chan and held out his hand. Chan immediately became shy but grabbed his hand.

In a swift movement Felix pulled Chan into the water, who stayed down for a long time making Felix panic.

"Shit... does he know how to swim...?" Felix looked around urgently unsure of what to do but he was swept off his feet and held bridal style by Chan who finally resurfaced.

Felix shoved Chan's shoulder while still in his grasp. "You scared me! I thought you were drowning!" Felix laughed with a pout on his face.

Chan coo'd at the sight. "No, I used to be a swimmer" He chuckled out. Felix was still in his hold when they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Minho and Jisung were in front of them, Jisung hanging onto Minho's back like a koala. Felix held a dorky expression on his face and Minho returned with an unamused expression. Chan let go of Felix and awkwardly looked around.

"Well.... LET'S DO SOME PARTY GAMES!" Jisung yelled out attempting to break the tension for the 3rd time today.

Felix and Chan just shrugged but smiled at eachother and followed Jisung and Minho to the firepit. They all sat around in a circle. Felix took his place next to Jeongin and Seungmin and Chan next to Felix. Across from them Hyunjin, Minho, and Jisung took their places, Changbin was last to join the group who sat by Chan.

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