Are We Friends?

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"Come on.. we're gonna be late." He giggled grabbing the edge of the comforter and lifting it up, the cold air making him want to retrieve back into the warmth.

2 arms wrapped around him and pulled him back in. A mumbled groan could be heard from behind him and he fell back into warmth. "5 more minutes.." a sleepy voice said behind him, the breath hitting his hair tickling his neck.

"Jinnie... you have classes and I have to get to work." He whined back, making no real attempt to escape.

"But I love you" his heart fluttered with the sound of those words. The flutters suddenly no longer felt comfortable, a pain overtook his chest. He felt like he couldn't breathe and went to pull the arms from around him. He reached under the covers to discover scales and a rough exterior.

"What the..." He threw the blanket off of him to discover a giant snake wrapped around his waist, constricting him like prey.

Felix sat up in the bed and gasped awake with a squeal. Jeongin looked up from his phone wide eyed.

"Uhm... lixie..?" Jeongin spoke softly. Felix didn't respond, he just tried to catch his breath again. "Nightmare?" Felix flinched when a warm hand touched his arm.

Felix finally turned to face Jeongin and sighed deeply. "Yeah.. sorry Innie" Jeongin gave Felix a concerned look. "Wanna talk about it?"

Felix opened his mouth to talk when his phone buzzed on the nightstand. Jeongin glanced over at it and a smirk painted his face.

"Kangaroo?" He sang teasingly, reaching for the phone before Felix had the chance to reach for it.

"Hey! Give it back!!" Felix yelled before lunging at Jeongin who quickly leapt off the bed and held the phone up so Felix couldn't grab. Felix did little hops to grab onto it with no avail.

"Good morning sunshine :)" Jeongin gasped "who is calling you sunshine besi-" Jeongin cut off when the phone was snatched from him, he scowled before turning around to be faced with Hyunjin's equally scowling face in return.

"What the fuck is all the commotion about? Do you know what time it is?!" He groggily raised his voice, much deeper than usual from his barely awake state. Jeongin gulped and Felix walked up to Hyunjin to try and grab his phone back. Hyunjin spared him a glance but simply raised the phone in the air so Felix couldn't reach it.

"Hey give it back!" Felix pouted at him, but Hyunjin just looked down with a bored expression. The phone buzzed again.

Jeongin turned his attention back to Felix. "Is that 'Kangaroo' again?" Jeongin teased.

"Kangaroo?" Hyunjin repeated unamused.

"None of your business" Felix mumbled before hopping up to try to grab the phone from Hyunjin. Once Felix noticed how close they were he immediately backed down and gulped, choosing to just give up and push past Hyunjin into the hallway.

"Wait!" Jeongin called after him.

"Forget it. I'm clearly not going to get it back so leave me alone!" Felix argued back, not stopping his movements at all.

A hand grabbed his wrist. The grab was firm but gentle and warm. Felix stopped in his tracks and sighed. He was pulled to turn around, faced with a now less groggy and angry looking Hyunjin. His expression was softened to one of remorse instead. Hyunjin pulled Felix's hand up and placed the phone back in it.

"I'm sorry Pixie. I was just messing around with you, I didn't think you would get so mad." He stated earnestly while looking Felix right in the eye. A blush crept on Felix's face with the intense stare.

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