Daddy Issues

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A/N: Sorry for the continued focus on Hyunjin in this chapter. We will get back to Hyunlix soon I promise! I wanted to give Hyunjin a proper growth arc so he truly works through his shit like he said he was going to and doesn't just end up with Felix regardless. He is earning it guys! This will be the last full Hyunjin chapter, after this we are back to Lixie.


Hyunjin took a deep breath of the fresh air, letting the comfortable temperature and the bird sounds take him to a happier time.

He opened his eyes and studied the pond in front of him. He took in the colors of the tiny flowers surrounding them and the way the ducks went under the water for food, shaking out their feathers when they resurfaced.

He dipped his paintbrush in the white base paint and spread it all over the canvas. As promised, Henry and Yeji were set up beside him, each with their own canvas and brushes.

Yeji looked over at him and watched in awe as Hyunjin went from taking in the scenery, to spreading paint all over the canvas, blending colors together to perfectly capture the clouds in the sky and the gradient from the sun.

"You're meant to be painting too Yej." Hyunjin joked. Yeji snapped out of her observations and focused on her own canvas, looking at it with her head tilted and a confused frown.

Hyunjin laughed lightly. "No matter how hard you stare, it won't appear unless you use the paint."

"Where do I even start..?" She cringed in confusion.

Hyunjin grabbed her hand and led picked up a brush with it, cleaning it off in the water, and dipping it in the base paint, pressing it on the canvas right after and letting go of her hand. "That's a start. Then you pick the main color you want to start with. I always start with the sky since everything else is going to be over it."

Hyunjin spent the rest of the afternoon talking Yeji through her own painting. He finished his before hers so opted to just watch her paint. Technically she may not have been very good but Hyunjin was happy by the details that Yeji was able to capture in her creation.

Henry kept his distance from Hyunjin, not forcing conversation in the hopes that Hyunjin would come to him when he was ready.


Over the past 3 days, Yeji had become obsessed with her brother. Sure, Hyunjin was rough around the edges, very blunt, and didn't hold back, but to her it was refreshing. Her whole life she had always been polite, and sweet, and lived in a picture perfect bubble. To her, it was overrated.

They were currently hanging out in Yeji's room. Hyunjin was tossing one of her little octopus squishmallows in the air and catching it. Yeji was on her bed, her head hanging upside over the edge looking at him.

"Do you think I could ever meet Jeongin?" She asked him curiously. Hyunjin paused what he was doing and looked at her.

"I mean, you can. Not sure how though. I doubt he would want to come out here in the middle of nowhere to be honest." Hyunjin shrugged.

Yeji frowned. "Could you ask him?" She sat up and crossed her legs in front of him, giving him puppy dog eyes. He pursed his lips together and looked at the plush.

"Uhm... he doesn't exactly know about you.." He told her awkwardly.

"Wowwww I am not even worth mentioning to your family?" She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yes, Yej, because telling my very possessive little brother that I have a newfound little sister in a text message is a great idea." Hyunjin let out with sarcasm, looking her amused.

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