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Jeongin and Felix grabbed their phones and walked up to the door.

"Hey! You - " Chan stopped mid sentence as his eyes looked up at the 2 boys in front of him.

"Wow! Y-you guys look great!" Chan stuttered out as soon as he was able to form words again.

Felix let out a shy giggle and Jeongin just smirked. "If you are done drooling shall we go? I don't want to be late!" Jeongin playfully poked Chan in the chest and lead the way back to the car.

"Seeing you giggle with a blush on your face while dressed like that is quiet a trip." Chan chuckled out nervously, playfully clutching his chest.

Felix covered his face with his hands and whined. "Is it bad? It doesn't fit does it. Ugh I should have worn something else!" He cried out.

Chan immediately grabbed his hand away from his face. "No! That was a compliment Felix. You look amazing, it's like a cute/hot mix which is definitely now...- I'm rambling I'm gonna shut up now." Chan rubbed his neck and looked away from Felix who laughed. "Thank you Channie." He said with a smile.

"Are you guys coming or staying behind to look at eachother some more?" Jeongin screamed from inside the car.

Chan chuckled and shook his head before speeding up his steps to reach the car with the impatient boy in it.

"So Innie.." Felix started as soon as he stepped into the car. "What is the name of this band anyway..?"

"You don't even know who we are going to see?" Chan looked over at Felix and raised his brow.

"Says the one who is also here without knowing who we are seeing." Felix fired back.

"Touché... although I'm not here for the music." Chan sent him a smirk which shut Felix up. He had lost and a blush formed on his face.

"*blegh* don't make me regret introducing you guys!" Jeongin gave them a disgusted look which made Chan laugh and Felix glare at Jeongin.

"Actually.... I don't know the name either... I never asked. Although I think Hyunjin is interested in one of them, he called them a tease...?" Jeongin rubbed the back of his neck and scoffed. Felix felt himself increasingly curious knowing that someone had gotten so called Mr. One night stand's attention.

Felix shrugged his shoulders and the 3 went on their way to The Arc. They played music on the way there and everyone was mindlessly singing along.


They were still on the early side so it wasn't too packed when they got there. While the band was getting the stage ready, a DJ was playing music.

"Do you guys want to go get some drinks?" Jeongin screamed over the music at Felix, who nodded and tapped Chan on the arm.

"We are gonna go get some drinks, want to come with us?" Felix flashed him a smile and Chan returned it, nodding his head and grabbing Felix's hand to go to the concessions.

While they were waiting in line Chan leaned into Felix. "So.. I don't want this to be awkward or anything but I want to make sure that I don't get the wrong impression.." Chan looked at Felix for understanding, which he proved with a nod.

"Are you interested in me? I know you know how I feel but you never told me. I want to know if I should consider this a date or not...?" Chan looked at Felix with a hopeful glint, but remained a neutral expression to avoid pressuring Felix.

"O-oh! Uhm... I am interested don't get me wrong... but I'm not ready for this to be a date.. I'm sorry!" Felix was racked with guilt. He hated letting people down, especially someone as nice and considerate as Chan who was sweet enough to check in with him. Chan simply gave him a reassuring smile.

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