Sneak Away

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As usual, the car ride to the store was filled with silence. It was not uncomfortable, just the kind you would have with family. There was not much to share so words were not spoken. The radio was playing softly.

Felix rested his head on the back of the seat with a peaceful smile on his face. He was singing along softly to 'stick season' on the radio. Unbeknownst to him, but Jeongin and Hyunjin grew soft smiles on their faces. Seeing someone so peaceful and genuinely happy was contagious, I mean of course, Felix was a human sunshine.

It didn't take long for them all to get to the store. Hyunjin took out the list their mom gave them and grabbed a cart. Jeongin was already playfully walking into Felix pretending to lose his balance.

"Guys if you want to argue that I am not babysitting you, try harder to convince me." Hyunjin groaned. The younger 2 just snickered, Felix growing a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"When did you become so boring Hyunnie!" Jeongin whined out like a 3 year old, making Hyunjin scoff and shake his head.

Felix crouched down and Hyunjins eyes went wide when Felix crawled under his arms and popped up between his chest and the cart he was pushing. Felix was flush to his front, the black soft hair tickling his chin and the scent of warm vanilla overtaking his senses. Hyunjin's breath hitched and Felix giggled out "push me daddy" In a suggestive way but a high pitched voice.

"God Pixie what the fuck!?" Hyunjin hissed out, still keeping his voice low to make sure that Jeongin remained unaware. He immediately released the cart and moved away. There were way too many sensations flooding his body in ways he really did not expect and would never admit to a soul. Felix full on laughed at his accomplishment of making Hyunjin actually flustered.

"Payback's a bitch huh?" Felix smirked.

"Payback for joking about babysitting?" He raised his brow. "You didn't have to shock my brain like that Pixie. But congrats, I surely will never compare myself to a babysitting without having that etched into my brain." He exasperated out with a huff.

"Is my brother blushing?!" Jeongin chimed in, playfully poking Hyunjin's cheek and getting swatted away by the taller.

"Innie, I'll be over by the body stuff, I'm out of my shower stuff. Just keep Pixie here in check, Jesus." Hyunjin grumbled as he sauntered away from the 2 boys. Felix was cackling and Jeongin just stood watching in confusion.

"What did you say to break my brother?!" Jeongin huffed, still stiff.

"I got on the cart and told him to push me." Felix shrugged between giggles. "And I called him daddy" Felix mumbled.

Jeongin's eyes went wide before he loudly cackled, throwing his head back in laughter. Once Jeongin calmed his laughter down a bit he pulled Felix into a hug and patted his back roughly.

"That was genius! Oh I'm never gonna let him live that down."

Felix giggled and rolled his eyes, grabbing the list out of the cart and finally moving on their way to complete what they were sent to do.

20 minutes passed and Felix and Jeongin had all of their items in the cart. They made their way over to the health and beauty section to retrieve Hyunjin. They found him leaned against the shelf in the isle, hands holding the various soups and treatments he needed, scrolling his phone.

Hyunjin ignored the 2 boys who snickered at the sight and rolled his eyes, walking past them towards the check-out.

"Oh come on Hyunjin!" Jeongin scoffed at the dramatics. The older didn't even spare him a glance and continued on his way.

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