Birds Of Paradise

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Hyunjin smiled softly as he stood behind the couch, watching Najia curled up on a blanket against Felix's thigh while the freckled parent watched the T.V, catching up on his favorite K-Drama.

Felix gasped lightly and clutched his hand on his chest in surprise as Hyunjin snuck up behind him and covered his eyes. Najia barked at the surprised gasp and tried to jump up the back of the couch to reach the older.

"You scared me!" The younger hissed as he grabbed Najia and coddled her to calm her down. The puppy happily accepted and snuggled into the embrace, biting Felix's finger softly and licking it.

"That was the goal, Pix." Hyunjin chuckled. "I was trying to give you a hint to your daily surprise for today." He wiggled his eyebrows with a smile.

Felix raised his own brows. "Blindfold..? Hmm... I think I'll like this one." He smirked. "I've already worn one, so does that mean you're gonna let me heighten all of your senses..?" He guessed seductively, walking his fingers slowly up the older's chest.

Hyunjin sighed deeply at the insinuation, internally cursing himself for scheduling something with a time slot. He held onto Felix's fingers and kissed the tips softly, one by one. "I would LOVE to take you up on that offer, you little vixen... but it'll have to wait until we get back. I planned something out for us to do."

Felix wrapped his arms around the olders neck and kissed him sweetly. "That's ok. I'm not planning on sleeping anywhere else but our bed tonight. I can't wait to see the surprise.." He ran his hand through the older's hair lovingly before letting go. "What is the dress code for today?"

"Layer clothes. We will be in both warm and cold weather today..." Hyunjin mused with a smirk on his face. He was not about to ruin the surprise already.

Felix squinted his eyes and studied the older's face suspiciously. "Hm... interesting..." Nothing was immediately coming to mind, but knowing Hyunjin, and how well he knew him, there was no doubt in his mind that he would love it. "Ok, let me go change." He smiled brightly in excitement.

Hyunjin watched him go down he hallway with loving eyes. "Come on Najia, let's go for a little walk while dad gets ready." He cooed before putting on her harness and heading out the front door.


Hyunjin returned home after twenty minutes to find Felix in the kitchen, making some lunch. The dancer lost his breath for a moment. Felix was wearing white jeans with a simple black tank and a comfortable cardigan over it. Despite the general simplicity of the outfit, the way his hair was styled, and the dangling helix piercing he remembered admiring years ago when Felix first got it, made it look extraordinary. Or maybe it was just simply how absurdly deep he had fallen for the Angel in front of him that made it look like he actually glowed.

"Hey Dumpling, I didn't know when we had to leave so I wanted to make something simple for-" the younger greeted happily before being cut off when Hyunjin marched over and tenderly grabbed the back of his neck before kissing him passionately.

"You look incredible.." the older sighed, still softly caressing Felix's cheeks with his thumb.

The younger giggled cutely with a bright smile. "You don't look so bad yourself, handsome." He gave Hyunjin another peck with his hand on his chest. He reached over beside him and held a bread roll up to the older's lips, who happily accepted and took a bite.

"We do have to get going soon.." Hyunjin stated as he returned the favor and fed the younger some of the bread roll.

With a soft smile, Felix nodded and turned toward the coat rack by the door, picking up his jacket, and snuggling into it. Hyunjin held the door open and ordered his boyfriend to wait by the car, opening up that door for him as well. When he sat down, the older handed him a blindfold to put on.

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