Moving Forward

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Hyunjin stepped inside the house and went to the drink cooler, opting for a soda instead of another a beer. As much as he would like to numb all his feelings at this very moment, he doubted it would go very well. Part of getting his shit together meant not putting himself in situations where he was acting on impulse.

The sliding door opened again and this time Jeongin walked in.

"Pass me a sprite." He ordered towards Hyunjin.

"Uhm please?" Hyunjin crossed his arms and waited like a mother.

"Please" He responded with a snarky tone.

Hyunjin reached into the cooler and tossed a sprite in his direction, leaving little droplets of water in it's trail.

"Why are you so hard on Chan? You've been giving him the stink eye since you met him and make backhanded comments every chance you get." Jeongin looked at him with a stern expression.

"I'm not hard on him. Was I wrong? You just put him on a pedestal like he can do no wrong." Hyunjin shrugged.

"He was just messing around Jin." Jeongin rolled his eyes. "And I don't put him on a pedestal, he really is just a nice guy."

Hyunjin scoffed lightly. "Maybe, but he should respect Felix's boundaries. Don't let Felix push his boundaries aside to keep Chan happy or keep peace." Hyunjin reached into the cooler to grab an orange fanta which he knew was Felix's go to and passed it to Jeongin. "That's what you came here for right?"

Jeongin furrowed his brows and nodded. Hyunjin stepped away from Jeongin and walked back to the sliding door to head outside.


As soon as Jeongin stepped out of the pool Chan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on Channie, don't mind him." Felix smiled at him gently but Chan just frowned and tightened his hold some.

"I'm sorry, he just seems like an asshole. I feel like he has it out for me." Chan scoffed.

"I don't think that's the case, he just has no filter. Either way, don't let it get to you ok?" Felix smiled trying to reassure Chan.

"You know... a kiss might help me de-stress a little bit." Chan smirked. Felix chuckled and pressed his lips to Chan's in a peck.

"There is that better?" He asked when he pulled away.

"Hmm still a little stressed, maybe another one?" Chan pouted.

Felix playfully sighed and rolled his eyes before kissing Chan again. The sliding door opened and Chan locked eyes with Hyunjin. He put his hand on the back of Felix's neck and deepened the kiss, turning his head for better access.

Chan kept his eyes on Hyunjin as he was kissing Felix, daggers may as well have been shot. Hyunjin's blood was boiling. Chan had the nerve to rub their kiss in his face but also was using Felix as some kind of pawn.

Jeongin looked at Hyunjin and let his eyes following his gaze toward Chan who was looking right at Hyunjin. Jeongin walked up to Hyunjin and grabbed his arm, dragging him further outside and out of his staring contest.

"Don't say anything, just let it go." Jeongin warned, but his eyes were pleading.

"Seriously?" Hyunjin scoffed. "I'm not the one putting on a show. Talk to Mr. Nice Guy instead." He hissed through his teeth.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and walked back over to Chan and Felix, who had since pulled apart and were back to their original position.

"Here's your drink Lixie! Looks like you could use it." Jeongin teased.

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