I Won't Share

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Hyunjin and Felix looked at eachother a little longer before a knock on the door interrupted them.

Hyunjin let out a low groan, instantly sending shivers down Felix's spine. Hyunjin noticed the affect and smirked smugly. Felix scoffed and rolled his eyes, letting out a slight whine after and covering his face with his hands.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun, Pixie." He teased and kissed Felix on the cheek before completely letting his demeanor switch back to normal and yelling a "What!" At the door.

"Don't you what me! You better be dressed because I'm coming in!" Jeongins muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door. Felix let out a loud laugh and sat up, not bothering to get off the floor.

The door opened right after and Jeongin stepped in, his hands covering his eyes with a tiny slit to peek through.

"What kind of animal do you think I am?" Hyunjin gasped dramatically, clasping his hand to his chest.

"Dude I have seen you drag people into bathrooms at parties before... excuse me for not wanting to walk in on anything" He scrunched his face in disgust. Hyunjin glared at Jeongin and then looked at Felix with shame. Felix gave him a tight lipped smile in return, clearly feeling awkward.

Hyunjin sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "what the fuck do you want Jeongin?"

Felix stood up and walked over to the door.

"Lixie where are you going?" Jeongin looked at him with a confused expression.

"I figured you wanted to talk to Hyunjin so I am leaving you guys alone." Felix shrugged.

Jeongin grabbed Felix and dragged him back to where he was. "No silly! I wanted to see how it went! And to make sure I saved you from being defiled." He mumbled the last part under his breath, earning a smack on the arm from Felix and a literal growl from Hyunjin.

"Innie! I'm offended that you think I'm that easy!" Felix pouted.

Hyunjin smirked playfully at Felix and grabbed his hand, interfacing their fingers.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and looked between them with his eyebrow raised. "So?! Are you gonna tell me how it went or what?!" He huffed impatiently.

Felix smiled and got on his toes to press a kiss on Hyunjin's cheek, who chuckled lowly.

"Jinnie? When are you taking me out?" Felix asked him with his big doe eyes and fluttering lashes.

Hyunjin groaned slightly with desperation at the sight of the younger. He smirked before responding with "how about now?"

Felix giggled cutely at the response but shook his head. "Nope, you said full on date so I'm gonna need time to get ready, and you need to shower." Felix poked him in the chest.

Hyunjin laughed and sniffed himself with an offended look but then smirked. "Oh yeah, I forgot you know how I smell well enough to -"

"NOPE! NOPE! NO NO NO STOP RIGHT THERE BEFORE I VOMIT!" Jeongin screeched out with a gagging gesture. Hyunjin threw his head back in laughter and Felix giggled with a blush.

Jeongin glared Hyunjin threateningly before grabbing Felix's hand and making his way to the door. "Lixie and I are going to go to his place to get him ready. Just... do what you gotta do and pick him up at 6." Jeongin spoke out before closing the door behind them.

He looked at Felix with a pout when they got in the hallway before pulling Felix into a bone crushing hug.

"Innie.. what's wrong?" Felix spoke into his shoulder, concern flooding his system.

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