Sign of the Times

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Felix opened up his can of beer and took a big swig of it, scrunching up his face in disgust at the bitter taste. "How do people drink this" He muttered to himself.

He made his way over to the others and painted a big smile on his face. He was not ready to be asked questions about things he himself didn't understand.

'Did Hyunjin just confess? He is working on his shit.. for me?' The thought was confusing to him but made him blush.

"Hey.. is everything ok?" Chan leaned in by his ear and whispered. Felix was so lost in his thoughts that he failed at his one objective to fly under the radar.

"Hm" Felix hummed, there was nothing else he could do without giving something away, his patience already running thin. He took another big drink of his beer and scrunched his face again.

"You're drinking beer?" He followed up to which Felix groaned.

"Yeah, what about it? Is that suddenly an issue?" Felix snapped, everyone else falling silent and looking at him. Chan, shocked, held his hands up in defense and scooted away. "Sorry, I was just asking. You don't seem to like it is all." Chan chuckled trying to lighten the suddenly tense mood.

Felix rolled his eyes and took another big gulp, having now finished half the can. Chan scooted closer and put his arm around Felix, rubbing his fingers on Felix's upper arm in an attempt to comfort him. It had the opposite effect though, only making him think of Hyunjin and the now confusing status of his own feelings. Felix shrugged Chan's arm off.

"OK what's going on with you?" Chan confronted in a harsher tone.

"Nothing, I'm just not feeling good. Can we go? Please?" Felix stated in a somewhat softened tone. Chan furrowed his brow but nodded.

Felix stood up and walked over to Jeongin. "Innie, we are going to head out. I'm not feeling great."

Jeongin eyed the beer in Felix's hand and his face immediately morphed to one of concern. "Did something happen?"

"No! Gosh will people quit asking me that?!" Felix snapped back, causing Jeongin to furrow his brows in shock and feel a sting in his eyes, involuntary tears threatening to spill out.

Felix noticed Jeongin's expression and softened his own. "Sorry for snapping. I'm just tired of everyone asking me that.."

Jeongin's expression turned sad and he stood up, wrapping his arms around Felix and pulling him into a tight hug. "Please talk to me Lixie... I don't want to see you hurt like this.." He whispered in a small voice by Felix's ear.

In response, Felix tightened his own grip around Jeongin and let a stray tear shed from his eye. "I just can't Innie.. not yet. I will when I can. I promise ok?"

Jeongin sighed deeply in his hold but hesitantly nodded his head. "Let me know when you get home ok? I'll call you and we can chat until you feel a little better." Jeonging pulled out of the hug and kissed Felix on the cheek.

"You ready to go?" Chan asked behind them. Felix smiled assuringly at Jeongin before turning around and nodding at Chan.

He held out his hand for Felix to hold and interlocked their fingers. As they were walking towards the house they passed Hyunjin, who came back   outside seconds earlier.

Hyunjin and Felix locked eyes immediately. The amount of unspoken words between them making the air heavy.

"Leaving already?" Hyunjin asked, directed towards Felix.

"Yeah, Felix isn't feeling good so I'm taking him home." Chan chimed in.

Hyunjin kept his gaze on Felix who returned the stare. "Hm. Feel better... see you around Pixie." Hyunjin gently grabbed Felix's free hand and squeezed it before letting go and breaking their gaze, making his own way back to the group.

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