Let Me Explain

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Felix was sitting down on Jeongin's bed, fiddling with his fingers down in his lap. He was trying not to eavesdrop on the argument going on in the kitchen but they were not exactly being discreet.

He couldn't follow every word spoken, most still too quiet to really travel to where he was. The words he did hear, caused a storm to brew in his mind.

We just wanted you to give him a chance... we wanted you to give Yeji a chance...

Felix didn't want to make assumptions, wanting to respect Hyunjin's privacy and choice in telling him. He couldn't help it though when he heard Yeji.. he knew that Hyunjin wanted to talk about his dad, he figured the him would be his father.. but a girl?

It didn't help that Felix could only hear Jeongin's words floating around his head simultaneously. 'I kept something from him... it's not my place to tell...' Hyunjin has asked Felix to stick around, and seemed like he was going ask him out.. he shouldn't worry right..?

He was snapped out of his anxiety thoughts by a light knock on the door. He snapped his head in the direction just as it opened and Hyunjin poked his head in. Felix gave him a hesitant smile and Hyunjin held his hand out for Felix.

"Come on, we can talk in my room." He sighed with nervousness laced in his voice.

Felix felt his anxiety raise back up, he swallowed it down best he could and got off the bed. Hyunjin laced his fingers in Felix's and have him a reassuring smile. At this point Felix didn't know what to think, Hyunjin was trying to show him he wasn't nervous but it was clear that he was. It was unsettling.

Hyunjin led Felix through the hall to his own room. As soon as Felix stepped in, he was immediately brought back to the kiss. He had not stepped foot in the room since them. It was clean and put together, except for one area in the corner where all of his painting stuff was spread out. A canvas was placed in the center with a sheet draped over it.

Hyunjin let go of Felix's hand and closed the door softly behind them. Felix looked at him and Hyunjin gave him a fake smirk. Felix sighed.

"Hyunjin, stop pretending that nothing is wrong." Felix deadpanned. Hyunjin dropped his head and let an honest breath out.

"Sorry, I was trying to fake it till I make it. This isn't easy for me.." Hyunjin confessed with a scrunched face.

Felix smiled softly and got closer to him. He gently rubbed Hyunjin's arm in an attempt to comfort him.

"It's ok, Hyunjin. Take your time, or say nothing at all if you aren't ready to." He said in a sweet voice.

Hyunjin took a deep breath and shook his head. "No, I want to tell you... can we...sit?" He gestured over to the bed and Felix nodded, walking over to the bed and taking a seat on the edge. Hyunjin took a seat next to Felix and twisted his body slightly so that he was facing the younger.

"While I was away.... I was visiting my father. My biological father, his name is Henry." He started. Felix looked at him with soft eyes, showing Hyunjin he was listening with undivided attention and patient.

"I don't know if Innie told you, but my parents split up when I was 5. My da-... Henry.... constantly cheated on my mom. I saw what it did to her, she was miserable. She always tried to pretend it was fine for my sake, but I knew. I didn't know what he was doing until I was much older, but their relationship was clearly toxic. My mom tried to hide it from me and would pretend to be in a perfect marriage when I was around." Hyunjin scoffed Sarcastically and took another deep breath to calm himself down before continuing.

"There was one day where I came home from school and saw my mom wiping tears off of her face before painting a fake smile on and welcoming me home. I guess I learned that from her.." He chuckled slightly but it was pained. He could feel tears stinging his eyes and felt a soft hand land on his. Felix was looking at him with his soft, big eyes. It made Hyunjin feel safe. It felt like there was no judgement present in them, just care.

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