Getting Saved by an old friend

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Later in the night, in the main event, it was Y/N L/N and Liv Morgan verse Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest of the Judgement Day.

The Judgement Day intro goes first then Liv's but she stops on top of the ramp waiting for Y/N's exit guerilla as his entrance plays on Raw for the first time throughout the arena as the crowd cheers for the former IC champion.

Y/N does his signature entrance like normal when he taps the ground when the beat changes he sees that Liv is copying his entrance before jumping into the air when the beat changes nearly makes him bawl over in laughter before it turns into shock when he hears pyro goes off.

They actually agreed to give him Pyro.

He asked as a joke.

He shrugs and turns shouting into the camera "I guess I got pyro now baby." 

The cameraman laughs as Y/N does the rest of his intro like normal giving his shirt to a kid in the audience. He couldn't fight with a shirt on and felt constricting. Y/N entered the ring after rubbing his feet on the apron before sitting on the middle rope letting Liv enter through the middle she returned the favor as Y/N entered the ring as well. 

He entered the ring as Rhea was glaring at him which undeterred Y/N who entered the ring ready to fight against the group that cost him the IC title.

Liv asks "You want to start?"

"If you don't mind."

"No, it's okay go ahead."

Y/N starts the match against Damian with Y/N taking early control of the match using his smaller stature to worm around Damian which was working for about 3 minutes till he got hit with a bell clap from Damian when his when his back was turned dealing with Edge. Damian then hit a rolling elbow into a clothesline, taking control of the match.

Three minutes later, Y/N gained control back when he reversed out of the broken arrow as Damian was boasting but Damian boasted too long as Y/N reversed into his own DDT. He went for a pinfall only getting a two count. 

Damian would quickly roll out of the ring regrouping getting advice from Edge but Y/N wasn't done. He ran to their tag corner. 

Y/N jokes to Liv "Watch this."

Y/N runs and does a vaulting plancha over the ring post taking out both of them. He rolled Damian back into the ring before joining him but the infamous archer quickly tagged in Rhea who entered the ring with a huge smile on her face as her dark brown eyes were locked on him.

Rhea does a hit-me motion to Y/N taunting him and making the crowd boo as she tries to get a reaction out of him but instead of falling into the trap, he smiles as Liv gets for a roll-up getting a two count as Y/N quickly rolls out of the ring as Liv starts to fight against her former tag partner.

Liv only remained in control for about a minute after she entered the ring before she got hit with a missile dropkick and from that point, it was all Ripley who played with her like a cat would play with a mouse just taunting the other competitor with snide remarks directed at her and her tag partner.

Rhea went to finish the match after she was bored playing with Liv with a nightmare lock (inverted cloverleaf) the same move she used a week prior trying to make her tap out.

Y/N would be the first to admit it looked rather painful like she was trying to fold Liv in half so Y/N quickly offered motivation to his tag partner by stamping on the steel steps repeatedly, clapping his hands repeatedly getting the crowd involved, and beginning shouting "Let's go Liv!"

But Liv's prospect of escaping wasn't aided by the crowd or by him but by Rhea who was getting angrier and angrier as the crowd got behind Liv. She released the hold and charged at Y/N hitting him with a stiff elbow and dropping him to ringside.

The crowd booed the nightmare as Y/N held his jaw it hurt more than anything Damian did earlier. He sat there against the barricade as he looked up to Rhea who was smiling sinisterly as Y/N looking up to Rhea like a goddess was standing above him.

Liv quickly used Rhea's moment of gloating to her own advantage and hit an obLivion. Y/N quickly jumps to his feet and jumps up to the apron as Liv goes for the pinfall the pin counts as Damian Priest enters the ring to attempt to intercept the pinfall attempt by Damian Priest but 

Y/N does a springboard missile dropkick jumping over Liv's pinfall attempt, and connecting against Damian Priest who rolls out of the ring. The referee finishes off the three count scoring the victory for the makeshift team. 

Y/N gets up to celebrate with his tag partner who was ecstatic to secure the victory over her former tag partner and now rival before they can really celebrate Edge comes out of nowhere hitting a spear on the former IC champion.

Oof. He felt like his ribs were broken as he gingerly felt them.

Liv goes to do something but she quickly gets thrown out of the ring by Rhea who just got up. Edge quickly directs traffic "Get the steel chairs." Damian quickly moves to do it but before he can bring one into the ring Finn Balor's music plays distracting the trio as he shortly follows after running out to save his former tag partner.

Damian goes to attack Finn with the steel chair but gets dropped by Finn's dropkick. He quickly runs into the ring, hitting Edge with a sling blade who rolls out of the ring. Rhea quickly follows suit leaving the ring. Finn checks on Y/N who is slowly getting up still feeling the effect of the spear holding his ribs. Finn checked on Liv next who was fine.

Finn tries to fist bump Y/N trying to see if he is fine after Y/N pushes himself onto his feet he looks around as the crowd cheers and goes for a too-sweet motion making Finn laugh as he returns the gesture. Liv quickly joins with a too-sweet sign of her own as they all unite to face Judgement Day.

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