Brawling Brutes

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Y/N started against Theory. For what felt like the umpteenth time.

Y/N took control before changing the pace and speeding it up allowing him to hit an inverted atomic drop following it up quickly hitting a shogun dropkick and sending Theory next to his tag partner.

Y/N offers his hand to Drew who makes a show of doing the tag. Y/N holds Theory still before Drew says "You're going to hurt today." Drew chops him making Y/N laugh sheepishly at the contact. "Goodness Gracious."

He didn't want to deal with that.

As the match progressed Drew would pick off on Theory till Sheamus would Drew with a cheap shot snatching control back.

Sheamus would come into the match and start to pulverize Drew as if trying to stomp him into the ring post.

Y/N knew Drew broke the shillelagh on Smackdown with Angela but if it continued like this Drew wouldn't even make it to Friday for their Donnybrook match.

Maybe it was the plan from Sheamus and Theory to soften them up for their respective matches however Theory clearly wasn't thought of too highly by Sheamus because he kept taunting him with the tag making Y/N laugh.

But because Sheamus playing with Theory, it gave Drew a chance to catch his breath and hit Sheamus with a Glasgow kiss. Drew would make the tag to Y/N who would come into the ring and Y/N would come in hot taking the fight to Sheamus with a flying forearm.

Y/N gets up quickly as does Sheamus hitting an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Sheamus scurries away to the corner of the ring as Y/N with a diving forearm smashes into the corner and into an exploder suplex sending him across the ring.

Theory tries to attack Y/N when his back is turned but Y/N turns quickly and hits Theory with a superkick sending him out of the ring.

Y/N would see Sheamus teetering around the ropes so Y/N runs and hits a clothesline taking him out of the ring. Y/N would see Theory next to the barricade again and would look back to Drew and does a spin motion making Drew nod smiling knowing what he was thinking.

Y/N decided to spear Theory through it just like he did a week ago. He exits the ring and charges it up but right when he is about to connect he gets caught by surprise due to a knee to the chin.

Y/N was dazed.

He was never attempting to spear someone through the barricade again.

Y/N wouldn't even notice that Butch and Holland were sent out from ringside.

Theory would try to attack the injured shoulder by placing it in a vice-like grip but Y/N would manage to pry his hands off him but would get hit with a bell clap, that made his ears ring. Theory would go for the pinfall but Y/N would kick out at one prolonging the match.

Theory attempted a sleeper but as Drew started to shout "Up" repeatedly Y/N would start to pry Theory's hand away breaking the sleeper hold but Sheamus would tag himself in and stamp down repeatedly on the US champion.

Sheamus would taunt the crowd before he would turn and hit Drew with a cheap shot but just like earlier Sheamus's taunting came back to bite him in the arse because Y/N would have enough time to recover and hit a spinebuster.

Y/N would drop back to canvas as he was feeling exhausted. He needed to work on his stamina. He was never normally this tired so when he saw Drew with his arm extended itching for the tag Y/N would willing tag himself out.

Drew Mcyintre would come in hot taking down Theory like he was a freight train laying him out with two clotheslines and then hit two belly-to-belly suplexs throwing him from one corner of the ring to the other. Drew would duck under Theory's clothesline and hit an neckbreaker. 

Drew would do a kip up and would stalk Theory as he set up a future shock but Theory would slip out and would trade blows before Drew would run off the ropes but Theory would do the same.

The Scottish Psychopath would think quickly turning Theory's momentum into a spinebuster. Drew would go for the pinfall but Theory would manage to kick out at two.

Drew then sent Theory into the ropes attempting another spinebuster but Theory would kick Drew in the chest sending him back so Y/N use his developing experience in tag teams to make the sneaky tag. 

Drew would get sent over the opposing top rope but as Theory was distracted Y/N came in and hit a running finisher.

Y/N would go for the pinfall and Theory had no chance of kicking out but out of nowhere, he takes another knee to the head from Sheamus diving from the top rope. 

Sheamus attempts to inflict more hurt on Y/N but Drew Mcintyre clears him out with a clothesline taking them both out of the ring and commencing a brawl on the outside.

Theory would try to hit an A-Town down but would get distracted by Dolph Ziggler sitting at ringside distracting him long enough for Y/N to break free and attempt a springboard cutter connecting to blindsided Theory. 

Y/N would go for the pinfall and the referee would count to three. Y/N tips his imaginary hat to the former US champion. Dolph responds to the gesture as Y/N goes back to celebrating with Drew.

Once they were finished they would look back to the top of the ramp where he would see the Usos layout Theory with a superkick.

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