Extreme Rules PT.2

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It was finally main event time, it was the biggest match of the night for a reason. Sure there were the technical aspects were all six wrestlers were talented containing some of the best in the business but it was the stipulation of the match that made in the biggest match of the night.  

The stipulation allowed there to be brutality and the match would be brutal for personal reasons. The months of bad blood between all wrestlers which would all culminate tonight.

The Mysterio's entrance went first but they stopped at the entranceway as they waited for their tag partner to appear. Edge came out to his entrance but had a lucha libre mask on. When they finally made their way to the ring they had to wait for their opponents to make their entrance. They stewed in anticipation as Judgment Day began their mind games.

A few months ago Y/N would have never thought this was possible. To stand alongside good friends who became greater enemies. He didn't even know if they were his enemies anymore, it changed like the wind but it wasn't the only thing that changed. 

Alliances were changed, attitudes were changed but his hatred for Edge remained the same so he was willing to do anything to win tonight, even if it meant playing mind games like delaying their entrances or Y/N entering under the Judgment's Day entrance for the first time. 

The arena was covered by darkness that descended over it like a blanket as all four members exited before stopping close to the exit. They all stood in line with Y/N in the middle left, Finn on his left, Rhea in the middle, and then Damian the furthest from him.

The arena went dark before large purple wings sprouted from the titantron providing the dark arena with its only source of light as the three members of Judgment Day and Y/N exited from backstage. 

Y/N walked slowly behind the Judgment Day unsure what to do as if a child following his parents through a busy supermarket. He looked around the arena to see a tumultuous crowd that looked nearly as excited as he did for the main event.

They stopped at the bottom of the ramp as Finn and Damain split going left as Rhea went right. Y/N stayed down the middle staring down Edge not paying any heed to the Mysterios.

His stare down with Edge was interrupted by Rhea grabbing his hand and walking to where she normally did in her entrances. She moved her hands in front of the camera and whispered in his ear "Y/N, tonight you end it. Make Edge bleed." 

Y/N looked at her shocked but she only smiled as Y/N was focused on the task at hand but he was still a little disturbed by Rhea's suggestion. Y/N stood off to the side as Rhea did her normal entrance as Y/N thought about it. 

Would busting Edge open like a coconut really solve his problem? Was that the only way he could move on?

Rhea leaned over his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts. Y/N followed the rest of the entrance in a trance till it was finally time to start the match as all six members of the match were standing in the ring. Rhea snapped him out of his trance as she said  "Y/N, pass your title."

Y/N looked down noticing he still had tied around his waist, he smiled sheepishly having completely forgotten about it. He unhooked the belt before passing the title to Rhea. "Thanks." Rhea nodded before Y/N turned his focus back to his teammates. 

They get in a small huddle as Finn says "Guys we follow the plan and these problems all end here tonight and then we sip the tequila for our win."

Y/N says "Huh?"

Damian says annoyed "Just follow the plan Y/N."

Y/N responds "I'm going to follow the plan but I'm more of a sake sort of guy."

My Judgement Day (Rhea Ripley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now