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Y/N was the most excited he's ever been for a PPV.

He was excited to perform in front of his own people but what was more exciting was that while he was here in Wales, his mom and his sister were making the journey to spend the next four days with him.

So when he touched down in Cardiff four days before Clash at the Castle he was a ball of energy even though he was exhausted from the flight not getting a wink of sleep, he ignored the jetlag that always plagued him with long flights. 

He signed everything asked of him, took photos with everybody who asked, and talked with every fan that he met but he eventually had to move on or he would spend all day there and wouldn't make it to the hotel.

Y/N had to do a bunch of interviews for WWE about being back but he did it all with a smile on his face. He even got an impromptu Welsh lesson when he had to do one final promo video before he could leave and spend time with his family.

After that Y/N had the three days before the event off.  Y/N went straight to the hotel. He waited in the lobby for minutes that felt like hours as the anticipation kept growing till it was unbearable. His restlessness was finally saved when they finally entered through the door making Y/N break out into a smile going from ear to ear.

His mom looked the exact same as when he left not changing a bit. The same brunette hair that was greying probably because of the stress caused by him and S/N. But she was still the mother who taught him how to ride a bike, the same mother who would read him stories before bed and tuck him in. The same mother who would tell him to pursue his dreams no matter what. 

She installed in him the courage to pick himself up and go again. She would love him the same no matter the wins or the losses but it would be a lot cooler if he won. There was a special place in his heart for his mom but she wasn't alone.

The other person who held a special place alongside his mom was his only other living relative his little sister who now looked like an uncanny replica of Y/N. Y/N knew they looked similar having seen the baby photos but now she looked exactly like him, just the six-year-old girl version. 

The same H/C color, the same eyes however untainted.  She still held that childlike innocence but the baby's face was no longer there making her barely recognizable to Y/N.  She spouted up like a tree from the ground growing so much that Y/N didn't even know truly if it was the same person he left four years ago. 

Video calls didn't show how much she had truly grown.

S/N ran towards Y/N to hug him, he returned the hug as he picked her up and twirled her around in his embrace "Look at you. You've grown so much. You're heavy now."

She broke into a cacophony of giggles that was like music to his ears. 

His mom walked over in a much slower pace as Y/N slowly put S/N down much to her displeasure and hugged his mom.

"I've missed you."

"Not as much as I've missed you."

S/N intercedes pouting "What about me?"

Y/N says "I missed you the most." Eventually, Y/N breaks the hug as he smiles asking "What do you want to do first?"

Y/N would spend the next two days before the PPV as they did everything S/N could think of on the first day together.  They went to the aquarium, the cinema, and even laser tag. M/N tried to pay for it but Y/N vehemently denied he was making a lot of money being one of WWE's top draws, so it wasn't a problem having to pay for everything.

He wanted to retire his mom as a thank you for the sacrifices she made not just for him but his dad as well. She denied she liked working as a seamstress and she was really good at it too having made some of his gear in the past. So Y/N didn't want to  take that away from her.

On the last day, M/N decided to abscond from the activities leaving just Y/N and his little sister. Y/N took S/N to an old castle that overlooked the city and it was an amazing sight as they overlooked the drop Y/N's name was called out.

Y/N turned expecting it to be a fan so he was slightly nervous about turning around, especially with the wanderer his little sister was. So he turned around nervously only to be surprised that it was Liv. Liv greeted his little sister first asking "Who might you be?"

S/N hides behind his legs and mutters "S/N."

"Come on stop hiding she's friendly." His sister didn't move still hiding partially behind his legs.  She's shy."

Liv smiles looking back at Y/N "I didn't know you had a kid."

Y/N explains "That's because I don't. She's my sister."

"Oh, she looks exactly like you. It's adorable but I never pegged you for the older brother type."

Y/N jokes "That's surprising coming from someone with four older brothers. " Y/N changes the subject asking "So why are you here?"

"I came up to see the castle. Apparently, it used to be where they killed criminals from a twelve-foot drop. Then once I was finished I saw you and I was going to ask do you want to walk back together but you're occupied. I'll see you tomorrow."

Once Liv leaves S/N's courage returns asking singsongly "Is that your girlfriend?"

Y/N sputters "No. She's my friend. My travel partner."

"Travel partner?"

"Yeah, we go to ppv's together and fly together." Y/N looks away "I know I'm not around a lot but I had to make friends that want the best for me. Just like mom does."

"Mom always talks about you and misses you a lot. She watches every episode just to watch your matches. Is it like that?"

"Not really. More like we support each other to get better."

Y/N's answer was quick and brief so he could think about what was on his mind. He's always viewed it as the sacrifices he's had to make, not looking at the sacrifices they've made. Y/N decided to drop it, it was their vacation as well. The next couple of hours Y/N would spend with his little sister was perfect.

When they finally returned to the hotel M/N was waiting for them. She smiled as she saw Y/N holding his little sister next to his shoulder as she fell asleep after they went to a bouncy house. "She wasn't any trouble was she?"

Y/N says "No, she was manageable, just energetic." 

His mom smiles fondly "You were worse. Remember when you were too excited and wouldn't sleep because you were going to have your first lessons."

Y/N smiled as they got into the elevator going to their floor "I was five and Dad promised me for weeks."

M/N looks away as she says "If anything ever happened to me would you look after S/N?"

The jubilant mood evaporated into a somber mood. She wasn't normally this miserable so Y/N says panic evident in his tone "Don't tell me it's back. I thought it went into remission."

"It's not back" Y/N sighed in relief he couldn't deal with it coming back again. His relief was short-lived however as his mom continued "But I'm getting old. I have to make sure there are contingencies in case I can't look after her anymore."

"Of course. I would look after her and I would raise her just like you and Dad did."

"We're not perfect. We weren't the perfect parents and we made plenty of mistakes. Some that couldn't be forgiven but you have tried to forgiv-"

Y/N interrupted knowing where it went. It always went there whenever Dad was brought up. "If this is about Dad and that woman before he died. I already forgave him for that five years. I couldn't be mad at corpses."

"Do you hold it against S/N?"

"How can you ask me that? Half-sister, full-sister. She's still my sister so it makes no difference to me. She's still my flesh and blood even though we only share half. And to be honest she doesn't look anything like that woman. She looks more like Dad and I. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

She nods affirmatively "Yes. I just wanted to make sure."

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