Clash At The Castle

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When it was finally time for Y/N verse Finn.

Y/N's entrance goes first as he hears 64,000 plus people all singing along with his song making Y/N break into a wide smile.

It was something that he didn't know he needed to hear but he was so glad he did. It was close to bursting his ear drums but he couldn't tear himself away. It wasn't just Y/N versus the Judgment Day tonight. It was Y/N and 64,000 verse Finn.

The fans took their sides and they were firmly planted in his corner. He was expecting some to cheer for Finn but they all supported him. He broke into a wider smile as he forced himself to move forward because if he didn't he would have been awestruck forever.

He walked down the sides high-fiving everybody and anybody. He eventually stopped because if he didn't he would have high-fived 64,000 people before he finally made it to the ring but he had room for one more high-five.

He eventually stopped right in front of his family who sat in the front row. Y/N pulled some strings to get the tickets. Probably sacrificed all his leeway with the guys in the back but Y/N didn't care his family was in the front row to watch him retain the title as close as he could get to home soil.

Y/N passed the sunglasses to his sister who put them on smiling with a toothy grin. "How's the show been so far? Good" S/N just nodded as Y/N smiled "It's going to get better. I'm going to win tonight just for you." 

She smiled even wider making Y/N smile happily as he moved on hugging his mom "Good luck tonight. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Oh, this is like a sandbox to me right now."

He then offers a double high-five to his little sister. "Ten for the win." She returns the high ten making Y/N laugh before tousling her hair making her smile even wider.

When all members of the Judgement Day exited backstage they were greeted by tens of thousands of boos which made Y/N grow even wider going. 

Y/N was confident he was going to win but when the match finally started the first couple of minutes, Y/N tried to ignore the crowd. More like he was trying to ignore his family in the crowd. He was nervous about losing in front of his family because that would be heartbreaking he would have let his family down and Y/N couldn't do that to them.

Y/N had to quickly shake the nervousness away as the bout devolved into a tale of whatever you could do I could do better as Finn and Y/N both traded moves in their arsenal that seemed to co-align resulting in a tightly fought contest with reversals being the name of the game.

Both had similar backgrounds so it was expected that their playbooks were similar but Y/N decided to use moves out of his own playbook instead of his father's where he hit a springboard cutter which scored a two-count.

Y/N knew it was too early to win but he needed something to swing the bout in his favor which the springboard cutter successfully did. It changed the speed of the matchup putting it firmly in Y/N's favor.

Y/N would take control of the matchup trying to wear down the wily veteran for the next three minutes as he felt himself edging closer to victory. Y/N would hit a spinebuster slamming him into the mat. Y/N would score an even later two-count this time.

Y/N could feel that the victory was in his grasp so he went to the corner of the ring as he set up his finisher. He started the countdown as the crowd got involved counting down with him.


Y/N was orchestrating 64,000 people as they began to all signaling the end of the end of the match.


He allowed his eyes to quickly flicker to ringside to see his sister counting down with him but before he could get to one Rhea moved standing in front of his little sister. Y/N couldn't see what was happening between them but whatever it was it was unsettling his sister because his sister was nudging herself even tighter into their mother's embrace.

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