Bet Of A Lifetime

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In the main event, the Judgement Day entrance went first but when they finally got to the ring Y/N entrance song interrupted. It was mind games something the Judgement Day has been doing to him for the last few months.

They have been living in his head rent-free since they first came into his business and it only got worse as time went on as they would come to him planting seeds of discord, interfering in his matches. 

He was sick of it. Sick of the mind games, he decided to play some of his own.

Y/N copied Rhea's stomp making the pyro go off. He had to speak to these guys in the back about it but he was so glad he did because Rhea's smirk was wiped her face replaced with contempt. Y/N evened copied Finn by doing a too-sweet motion but that was just the cherry on top.

When the match finally starts, Priest tries to do a grapple overpowering the smaller man before sending him directly into the ropes. Y/N dodged Priest's roundhouse kick catching it before doing a back sweep kick taking out Priest's other leg and sending him to the canvas. 

Y/N follows it up with a senton but it would only score one count. Y/N would stay in control and press his advantage using his speed to work around him just like the last time they fought. 

Y/N expected some sort of ring rust but there was none so Y/N was confident he could end it quickly at the fourth-minute mark. He went to attempt a springboard cutter but Rhea grabbed the middle rope stifling his momentum and forcing him to trip up. 

Y/N quickly rolled out of the ring as Rhea celebrated her interference turning and boasting to the crowd. Y/N plucked up the courage and draped his arm over Rhea. He was nervous but an opportunity for mind games was an opportunity for mind games. 

Rhea leaned into his arms as Y/N was trying to downplay his blush threatening to lighten his cheeks as he stared into the crowd. Rhea turned back to see it was him and she jumped back shocked as Y/N did the same Rhea was blushing as she shouted "What are you doing? You can't do that here!"

Y/N noticed the blush. She was blushing. Y/N could only stammer out "I don't know! Why are you blushing?"

She retorted defensively "I'm not blushing. You're blushing."

Y/N rolled back in the ring after being caught out but he was 1000 percent sure she blushed. Y/N tried to distract himself from the fact he got the unshakeable Rhea Ripley to blush but Damian was back up and hit Y/N with a boot to the face shaking Y/N out of his stupor. 

Damian would take control of the match for a minute or two till he attempted a broken arrow which Y/N reversed Damian's broken arrow slipping out of it and landing behind him hitting a German suplex.

Y/N then taunted Damian by shooting him with a mock bow and arrow referencing Damian's days as an archer of infamy where he couldn't beat him in a singles match. Damian slammed his hands into the mat getting frustrated by Y/N who started to smirk getting the reaction he wanted. 

Damian charged at him attempting to hit him with a clothesline but Y/N used his developing in-ring experience to duck and drag down the top rope sending him sailing over.

Y/N moved quickly going to run off the ropes gaining momentum to attempt to do a vaulting plancha but Rhea stood on the ropes as Damian hid behind her. Y/N stared right at Rhea who was smiling shaken out of her early stupor and as if daring him to jump over her. 

Y/N shrugs "Fuck it."

Y/N runs off the back ropes again and does a vaulting plancha over forcing Rhea who ducked out of the way as Y/N connects with Damian. Rhea looked shocked not expecting him to jump over her.

Rhea was quickly shaken out of her earlier stupors as Y/N moved on doing a backward slam to Damian on the apron.

Rhea distracts him yet again by waving seductively at him before he returns the motion finding the whole game hilarious having missed it the past couple of weeks, especially after their previous encounter he wanted to see if he could get her to blush again.

Y/N unlike last time was paying attention to other members so when Finn tried to hit him with a cheapshot as the ref was distracted with Damian Y/N ducked and hit him with another superkick before throwing in the ring catching the ref's attention.

The referee seeing Finn in the ring gets him and Rhea sent backstage as the crowd cheers making Y/N laugh. Rhea slammed her hand in frustration as the number's game was negated by Y/N who was now blowing kisses repeatedly as he said "Bye. Bye, Miss Ripley. I'm going to miss you."

As Finn and Rhea begin walking backstage Finn points at Y/N shouting his Irish accent coming out strongly "He kicked me in the face!"

Y/N laughs as he turns his focus back to the matter at hand and goes to get back in the ring with Damian but gets hit by South of Heaven slamming him into the mat and taking advantage of Y/N being distracted.

The referee went to count to three but Y/N would throw his shoulder up at two. He couldn't give up his title this easily, he had goals he wanted to accomplish and Damian knew that so he moved on to attempting to hit a Razor's Edge but Y/N slipped from behind landing on his feet. Y/N hit a springboard cutter when Damian turned around.

Y/N wasn't finished he had to move on quickly he moved to the corner of the ring as he charged up his running finisher. He started the countdown on his fingers as the crowd slowly got involved. 


 Y/N ran gaining momentum as he was about to connect he shouted "Night night DP!" Y/N connected with the finisher hitting Damian cleanly. Y/N went for the pinfall and the referee counted to three.

But before he could even celebrate he gets jumped from behind by the two members he got sent out of ringside.

"You think we would let you keep declining? This doesn't end till you join or you can't rise. Are you going to join or not?"

Y/N declines "No." Y/N was being stubborn but for good reason. He was loyal to the WWE universe. Joining a group like Judgment Day would be the equivalent of turning his back on them.

Finn starts to punch him repeatedly "I'm your only friend Y/N. I'm your only friend Y/N."

The irony wasn't lost on Y/N that his so-called friend was beating him up.

Finn instructed Damian to get the chairs.

Finn placed one of the chairs on his ankle and made sure it was tight. He goes to slam a steel chair against him but stops. He kneels over Y/N and says "I could have ended up forcing you to give up your title right here right now. But I didn't do it because I'm your friend and I know how much you care about this." 

Finn places the United States over him before they all leave Y/N in the ring alone with a steel chair locked around his ankle. Y/N kicked it off getting up agitated for the last few weeks wanting to end it tonight.

"Finn you say you're my friend right? When I was going against Miz and Ciampa where were you? You showed up after I was done. Where were you when I was going against the Alpha Academy?

You showed up after I figured them out thinking I owed you a favor. I already knew how to handle them. That's why you didn't show up at Money in the Bank when I actually needed help. When I ran Monday Nights, you showed up when I turned the red brand into the A brand.

So how about this we settle this one for all on my Island. This isn't taking place on some mountain of omnipotence like you guys want it to. This is taking place on my Island in the United Kingdom. I'm going to kick your arse at Clash of the Castle when you challenge for my United States Title."

Finn doesn't answer so Y/N continues "You want even higher stakes. If I lose I will join the Judgement Day but if I win this shit between us stops for good."

Finn smiles, answering "I accept."

A/N 1400 reads is crazy, I never expected to get that much let alone in thirteen days. So thank you to everybody who read the story and liked it.

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