Stubbornness (18+)

731 13 4

17/10/2022 Stubbornness.

A week prior.

Finn: Woah, woah. Let me handle this alone, okay?

Y/N: Fine by me.

Rhea: Okay.

The other three leave as Finn is left with AJ.

Finn: Hey, what's up AJ we haven't spoken in a while. You fabing me or something?

AJ: No, we haven't talked since you joined Judgment Day and turned your back on me. But now that we've talked.

AJ turns his back going to leave but Finn grabs his arm stopping him from leaving.

Finn: Oi. Only one of those things is true. Sure I joined the Judgement Day but I've never turned my back on you. Has there ever been one moment in all the time we've known each other that I've not had your back? Remember me, you and D/N were like this.

Finn did a fingers-crossed motion. The three of them were old friends with D/N helping them out when they first came to Japan. They were like uncles to Y/N and they first showed him the ropes in WWE as a way to repay his dad.

AJ: You're right, you've had my back, I've had yours, D/N helped the both of us and we've helped Y/N and he's helped us. So I joined Judgment Day and it was like it used to be back in Japan and I don't know. I turned my back on everybody who helped me. Every person who supported me because they doubted me because they questioned if I was unwilling to move on like Y/N. I want no part of Judgment Day whether that be you or him.

Finn: AJ, it's me, Finn, how long have we known each other, dude you know me, I come over looking for my friend and I feel like you're looking for a fight. Are you looking for a fight AJ?

Finn squared up to AJ who squared up as well. Just like Y/N months ago, AJ didn't know the answer. He didn't know if he could trust Finn or Y/N anymore. Finn answered the question for him.

Finn: Nah, knowing you you're not looking for a fight. Dude, we're boys, come on (Finn hugs him) Give me some love, hey (He breaks the hug) remember the door is always open for you just like it was for Y/N. 

Currently, Y/N and Rhea were in Y/N's locker room with the door locked.


They were kissing before Y/N broke it and asked.

Y/N: Are you sure we won't get caught?

Rhea: It's your locker room if they see anything it's their fault.

Y/N: Then keep it down.

Y/N was in between Rhea's legs as he ran a long finger along her now exposed slit causing her to shudder and breathe shallower. His thumb rubs against her clit making her yelp.

Rhea: Oh God!

Y/N looks up at Rhea with a small smile as he removes his thumb and replaces it with his mouth and tongue. Rhea grabs his head in response keeping him in place as Y/N continues to use his tongue to work on her clit, continually stimulating her sensitive little nub as his mouth sucks up the remains of her juices.

Rhea: Ohh...yes, so good! Don't stop!

Her eyes flutter shut as he continues his assault on her clit and folds.

Rhea: You eat my pussy so good... (She moans. She feels his finger invade her pussy and that jolts her eyes open) Oh God.

She moans as Y/N starts to do a come hither motion with his long finger and hits her g-spot making Rhea squeal in delight.

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