Rat Bastard

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Y/N wasn't medically cleared to fight on Raw the next night because of the fresh staples so Y/N was given a week off because he would be cleared for the week after. Y/N took the first flight available back home after trading in tickets for a trip to Orlando instead of Green Bay.

So on the Monday afternoon Y/N walked into his dingy apartment knackered from the lack of sleep he got on the plane and the previous nights events. He was used to getting small amounts of sleep being a wrestler having to sleep whenever the chance arose but today he just felt drained maybe it was the blood loss.

He just wanted to sleep.

He turned the light switch on revealing a small but yet comfortable and disorderly two bedroom apartment that Y/N considered home. He just walked over to the couch and threw his bag on the floor before throwing himself on the couch. He had a perfectly comfortable bed but that was to far away he would rather sleep on the couch right now.

He felt his shoulders slowly get lighter and lighter as he feels the burden of dealing with the Judgement Day drifting away. He feels the sofa slowly welcoming him home as his eyes slowly start to close as he begins to welcome unconcsiousness but his phone rings snapping him out of his bid to sleep.

He brings the phone out of his pocket seeing it was an unknown number. Y/N just put his phone on silent before placing it on the coffee table. He wasn't going to answer to anybody if it was important he would call them back later except if it was Mum.

He originally thought it was going to be mom who would be calling to chew him out for getting busted open. She hated watching him bleed and it only happened once now twice and the first time she ripped him a new one. Y/N would have still answered it he loved his mother. There were only a few times a month that they could actually talk with him living across the pond and travelling all around America every few days or so.

Y/N closed his eyes and quickly rebegan his journey to unconsciousness.

He woke up around five hours later fully rested. He checked his phone seeing the time was only 6:34 pm and that he got only one more missed call by that unknown number. Y/N got up stretching feeling the stiffness of the couch on his body he walked to the fridge seeing it was completely empty.

"Guess I'm going out."

So an hour and thirty minutes later Y/N was finally home. He originally was only going to get food and then come home but the gym was calling out to him like the green goblin mask.

He ended up spending an hour at the gym where he went through the motions doing his workout working back and legs getting over his frustrations for losing at Hell in a Cell. 

When Y/N returned home he turned on the TV before he started to eat his dinner while perusing the channels till he found Raw was on. Y/N never really watched Raw or Smackdown finding it weird to watch himself but he wasn't on tonight's show. So Y/N decides to watch Raw for the first time in what seems like forever.

The night started with Seth Rollins complaining about not versing anybody at Hell in a Cell and then a bunch of other things happened.

He was starting to feel the effects of his workout and was going back to bed but then he heard that Judgement Day was doing a promo later in the night. Y/N wanted to check it out wondering what they were going to say. He wasn't being a spotlight junkie but more like he wanted to see what Rhea was going to say.

Was that weird?

Was he stalking?

No. He was just watching Raw Live before he went to bed like a bunch of other people normally did. It wasn't like he was scrolling through her Instagram or something. Then it would be weird.

He watched as they did their intro as normal with Damian and Rhea standing behind him covering like sworn protectors or as Edge would say 'guardians of fate'.

Edge sounded so stupid.

It was the same promo as usual blah de blah. Look at what we did to your favorites. They're idiots for denying the opportunity to join Judgement Day. We busted Y/N open.

That was new.

Then back to basics talk about destiny. Rhea has a match against Liv Morgan and two other women for a No. 1 contender match. That was also new. Till when Damian stumbled making Y/N and the crowd laugh. He was so ribbing him if they ever spoke again on friendly terms which seemed more and more unlikely by each passing day.

Edge said to the crowd "Now the adult in the room speaks, so please be quiet." Rhea looked rebuked as she started to glare at Edge, reminding him of his glare at Edge at Hell in a Cell.

 Something was going to happen tonight or maybe she was just mean mugging the crowd. As the promo progressed whenever Edge's back was turned she glared at him.

Yeah, something was definitely happening. 

The whole episode of Raw they kept saying Judgement Day was getting a new member but it seemed to be more than just that.

"Without any further ado, right now, I will introduce you to all of you the newest member of Judgement Day."

Nobody answered the call till Finn exited from backstage.

The Rat Bastard. That's why Rhea said what she did. She knew all along.

His hunger disappiates not wanting to eat anymore. He wanted to turn the screen off, shout himself hoarse, punch a hole through the wall but he couldn't pry away his eyes from the screen.

He wanted to know why.

"Rhea stood between you and Y/N when he was about to hit an RF/N. Shielding you from him when he had you beat and then she stood in the way again when I had you beat."

Y/N didn't want to hear anymore. He was done.

He went to turn the TV off and find a way to burn off his frustrations and anger off but Damian said something that captured his attention "We are ready to shed the last bit of limitations that are holding us back. Which is you."

For the next couple minutes, he watched the beat down of Edge with unwavering attention. Not knowing what to feel. They were beating him up but he did deserve it. They put him through a table, hit him with a coup de grace, Even slamming a steel chair into his neck. Normally it would have been too far but he couldn't bring himself to feel sympathy for Edge

Edge did the same to AJ Styles.

Edge made his bed it was time for him to lie it in. 

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