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Seth Rollins was an interview complaining about Riddle when his attention shifted to Y/N. "Who the hell does Y/N L/N think he is? No really. Who?

It's the question I've been asking myself for the last week.

He comes over to Raw and wins the United States title after two months. It's impressive but just because he is the United States Champion does not mean he can stick his nose into my business with Riddle. Riddle RKO'd me two times, once of a ladder and he did again two weeks ago.  He deserves repercussions and I was so close to accomplishing that last week but Y/N had to go and save the day.

He has a Superman complex.

That's why he saved Riddle. He felt sorry for him. Riddle can't hide behind Y/N tonight. Because if you get in my way you will get put down just like what happened to Ezekiel two weeks ago. Just like it will happen again tonight when I put down Riddle and Y/N."

Theory interrupts "I've been saying that for the last month. Y/N just shows up to Raw. He just shows up thinking he runs the place and challenges me for the United States Title and then beats me when I was having a bad game."

Seth looks bothered by Theory's interruption, who apologizes "Sorry to interrupt you. I'm just wondering if you have any advice for me. You had the greatest Money in the Bank Cash-in of all time. How did you do it?"

Seth laughs maniacally. "Kid you came to the right spot." Seth drapes a hand around Theory's shoulder "Walk with me, baby."

Elsewhere Y/N was stretching his shoulder and was feeling a lot better than last week. It's been strained for a while now but after a bit of rest, he felt he was getting back to 100 percent. 

He had freshly wrapped Kinesio tape around his shoulder and was doing an internal stretch using a gym band for his match in the main event tonight when he got interrupted by Riddle with his scooter.

"What's up Y/N? Hey, Chipito. I'm glad you found a new home you look happy."

Y/N shakes his head not knowing how to react so he changes the subject back to last week "I hope there's no hard feelings about last week."

"Nah man, the best man won and that cutter was too sweet." Y/N breaks into a smile. He wasn't even sure about it at first but he was probably going to keep using it. It felt natural.

Riddle continues "But bro tonight I can't wait to get my hands on Seth freaking Rollins and hit him with a sweet RKO out of nowhere. Wait, I just said it. It's not going to be out of nowhere now, Y/N."

Y/N just nods "I don't know. I can't wait to get my hands on Rollins questioning why I defended my Bro and Theory has been running his mouth since I got here and tonight I get to shut him once again."

"Definitely. Don't worry we're going to tear those guys apart. Y/N don't sweat it you're totally going to retain your United States Title at Summerslam. But because we got a little time before our match I was thinking we could watch some Stranger Things together. 

I get really scared when that Vecan character comes on, but I figured if we watch together I won't be as scared, Y/N."

Y/N apologizes "I've already finished it two weeks ago with Liv. I'm going to go warm up and I'll see you out there, bro."

Y/N offers a fist bump which Riddle returns as he says "Sounds good."

Y/N goes to walk away but Riddle shouts "Remember the Elmo, bro."

Y/N laughs walking away as an image of Elmo pops his head.

Y/N laughs walking away as an image of Elmo pops his head

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