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Y/N was versing Ciampa in the main event of Raw.

It was a good match having already progressed past the ten-minute mark with Ciampa making a show of targeting Y/N's weak points as if saying he could snap his shoulder at any time which for normal people would have been disheartening. 

But to Y/N, who was competing with it this way for the last few weeks, he didn't care.

As the match progressed it was getting harder and harder to ignore as it became more and more prominent as the contest went on Ciampa kept targeting it making it harder to do any lifting moves feeling like he was lifting double what he was.

But Y/N was stubborn so when he saw Ciampa on the top rope Y/N hit him with an enziguiri temporarily stunning him and allowing him to go for a Falcon Arrow of the top rope but his arm gave out giving Ciampa a chance to slip under and hit a project Ciampa which nearly scored him the victory but Y/N managed to fight on kicking out at two.

Ciampa would keep attacking the injured shoulder with submission moves, but Y/N wouldn't tap and kept fighting his way out of danger, trying to ignore the growing pain.

Y/N broke out of the submission, applying an armbar of his own but Miz would place Ciampa's leg on the rope. Before the referee could bar him from ringside a figure appeared at the ringside cloaked in black.

Y/N pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the pain as his mind raced with the worst-case scenario playing out in his mind. 

Y/N decided to end it quickly before he can focus on the matters at ringside. He quickly hit Ciampa with a spinebuster, ignoring the grating sound in his shoulder, only making him worry even further, but he had to keep fighting. So he moved to the corner of the ring and went to set up the running finisher as he clutched his shoulder and began the countdown.

The crowd echoed their countdown with Y/N's "3!2!1!" 

And right when he was about to shoot off, a cloaked figure started to attack Miz. Y/N was getting sick and tired of the damn black jacket with the hood on.

Something was always going on with it, and the jacket always revolved around a lack of fair play.

Security exited backstage escorting the figure away and took off the hood, revealing Dexter Lumis.

Y/N had no clue what was going on now, but Dexter always creeped him out. Especially when he kidnapped him only last year. There were strong silent types, and then there were eerie people. 

Dexter just rubbed him the wrong way even when Y/N was back in NXT, and that's saying something, especially because of other weirdos on the roster.

Dexter Lumis POV:

I'm so happy my best friend is still the United States Champion.

Back to Normal POV:

Y/N finally connects with Ciampa hitting the finisher and winning the match but before he can even celebrate and his song would begin to play the Judgement Day entrance would interrupt making Y/N mutter "Fuck sake"

Judgement Day was now in town, but he was in no shape to fight.

Tomasso attacked the shoulder, targeting the glaring weakness. He could feel the pain in his shoulder as he pushed himself up to his feet to confront Judgement Day as they walked down to the ring surrounding Y/N.

Finn entered the ring as Damian stood behind him on the apron, and Rhea stood on the apron in line with Y/N. The group was serenaded by boos from the tumultuous crowd as Finn says, "And the remaining defending United States Champion Y/N L/N."

Y/N got to admit that did sound good even if Finn did say it mockingly.

"It doesn't make me happy to see you like this. I'm excited that you retained, but I see the way you are holding that shoulder, and it makes me worry. 

Y/N moves his hand away from his shoulder, feigning that he is still ready to go. Finn puts his hands up. "Easy tiger. It's alright, we're all friends here. Isn't that right, Damian, Rhea?"

Y/N eyes averted to Rhea, who nodded, but it didn't make that uneasy feeling leave his stomach.

"Look at all the threats on the raw roster who will want a shot at your title, but you're all on your lonesome. You're vulnerable, especially with a shoulder like yours.

We can help take the weight of the world off your shoulders.

We all know the importance of having a few friends around here. I mean, look at every Champion right now on the main roster. Gunther has Imperium, but family is more important than friends. Roman has his cousins. We're offering you a family. Something you're far away from."

Y/N was clenching his fists angrily. Finn dared to mention his family right now.

Finn smiles, continuing. "Roman even has a wise man. But you don't need one of those. So are you going to make the wise decision and rise with Judgement Day, or are you going to lay at our feet?"

He was currently an animal that strayed too far from the herd and was the easiest target to somebody like Theory with that briefcase or anybody else who wanted his title. He would fight against whoever wanted it.

But not tonight.

Y/N was hurt. He didn't know how bad it was, and it worried him.

All he knew was that the dull ache that was in his shoulder was back, and it seemed to be growing more and more, feeling a lot worse than two weeks ago.

So Y/N didn't answer, just dragging himself out of the ring. Rhea lifts the ropes for him, and he nods his gratitude before he walks up the ramp, clutching his shoulder, hating the feeling of being vulnerable.

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