Ruined mood

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Y/N wanted to celebrate. He was in Vegas and had just won big. He had become the United States Champion. So when he was on the walk back to his locker room after having his mouth checked.

He needed another stitch in his mouth he didn't even know till he tasted copper in his mouth, but Y/N didn't care. Joy was just flowing through his body.

So, on his way back to the locker room, Y/N was walking with a bounce in his step that had been missing for the last two months. Y/N felt like he could walk on the moon right now. The main event was currently taking place, with Theory being the surprise entrant any other day. Y/N would have cared, but not tonight. He was flying high.

He entered the locker room cautiously expecting to see somebody but saw no one.

Maybe he was becoming really paranoid. If there was anything he had learnt over the past two months dealing with factions. It's better to be paranoid than hurt.

Y/N was excited and in a good mood, so when he heard the door creak open. Y/N looked to the door, wondering if it's a trainer, a nurse, or a fellow wrestler who wanted to join his parade.

"Y/N! Are you decent?"

"Yeah. Come on in."

Liv comes into the locker room, not in her ring gear with the Smackdown woman's title on her shoulder.

"I was going to say congrats on winning the briefcase. But you cashed it in. So congrats on becoming Smackdown Woman's Champion."

"Thanks, but don't sell yourself short. Congrats to you, United States Champ."

Y/N smiles "Thanks I can't wait to celebrate."

Y/N says nonchalantly. "So when are you moving to Smackdown?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm moving back to Smackdown to get away from Raw and all that jazz. It could be nice to get away from all of it. I was thinking you could request a trade and join me back on Smackdown."

"Sorry. But I'm kind of here to stay on Mondays." Y/N only recently made the trade over here he couldn't keep bothering them "Anyway. I don't want to bother them." Her face drops, not liking his answer. "Don't worry about me. It will hurt to lose my new travel partner. But I will be fine. So when do you leave?"

"After the next raw."

"Tonight, let's celebrate. But before that, I need to clean myself up and you do too. So I'll see you in a bit."

"Yeah. See you by the car." She exits leaving the locker room. Y/N heads to the shower, quickly cleaning himself off and taking extra care, trying not to move his left shoulder too much. He should be fine for what he had planned for Monday. 

Once done, he changed into comfortable streetwear and was about to put shoes on, but the locker room door opened. Y/N looked up, hoping that it wasn't someone who wanted to rain on his parade, but it was exactly the sort of person who do such a thing.

Rhea bloody Ripley had just entered his locker room and closed the door behind her, commanding a presence everywhere she went. The tension was palpable as they locked eyes with darling brown eyes meeting his own. "Don't tell me you forgot about us."

Y/N couldn't forget Rhea, so when he saw her, he smiled. "Hey, look who it is. Miss Rhea Ripley is in the house. Why did you drop the suit? The suits made your eyes pop." He liked a lot more about Rhea. But he wasn't going to say that. "I haven't seen you in forever."

Y/N was tired of letting Rhea have the upper hand in this game of flirting, so Y/N decided to hit back. Rhea said with a steadying breath. "You did well tonight. Congrats on becoming the US champion."

Y/N continues tying his laces. "Thanks." Y/N changes the subject to something that's been on his mind."Where have you been?The last month."

Rhea's serious demeanour changed into a smirk. She says mockingly. "Aw. Did you miss me? That's adorable."

"More like surprised you didn't try cost me even further."

"No. We're all proud of you. The new youngest United States Champion at only twenty-three. It's impressive but the job isn't finished. There's the next chapter. How long can you defend the title?

You're going to be the only champion on Monday nights. Everybody's going to be gunning for you. We just want to offer you an insurance policy. We want to give you a spot in the Judgement Day. See, you are only the United States Champion. With our help, you can be the longest-reigning champion. What do you say?"

Y/N thought that the offer sounded great. It sounded marvelous, in fact, but Y/N would never accept it because how did they know if they had his best interests at heart? 

"Spare me the facade. You don't truly care how long my title reign is. You came to here repeat the same offer. I decline. Then I'll see you on Monday."

Rhea's expression hardened with a mix of disappointment and determination. "You're turning down an opportunity like this again? You're missing out on something big."

"The opportunity isn't that big if the opportunity keeps arising."

Rhea leans over the top of him putting her hand on the locker room staring intensely down at him with a half smile and trying a different strategy "You know if you don't accept it will be the Judgement Day that takes that title from you."

Y/N retorts "I like to see you try."

"It wouldn't be the first time we screwed you over to take that title. So I advise you to join Judgement Day because you will be so much better for it."

"Rhea. I warn you. A whole darn army won't be enough to take this title away from me. And no offence, I don't need your guy's advice unless I want to know how to fall off and have short title reigns."

Rhea growls out, "That mouth of yours is going to get you in a lot of trouble."

Y/N stands up, ignores her last statement, and says, "I'll continue declining. See you Monday. Preferably without the sales pitch."

Y/N exits the locker room, leaving a glaring Rhea with eyes glinting with irritation, frustration, and another emotion that if Y/N saw he wouldn't be able to comprehend.

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