Let Me Talk

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Y/N was back in America after the events of Clash at the Castle but it didn't stop there, everywhere he went till Monday Night Raw he wouldn't be left alone about where he stood with Edge.

Fans would stop him for photos and Y/N would be nice enough to take them but they would always ask afterward leaving him in a sour mood. So when he got stopped by Bryon Saxton for an interview he finally snapped.

"I've trying to hold it all together. I'm tired. I'm jetlagged. I'm in a lot of pain from Saturday but a lot of anger is coating that pain because I feel like I'm losing my mind!

Am I the only that remembered the last six months?

Before he can answer his question he gets interrupted by a member of Judgement Day saying "I have."

Y/N looked where the voice came from expecting it to be Finn or Rhea but he was surprised to see it was Damian. Y/N hadn't spoken to Damian in months just the two of them.

Y/N calmed down he wasn't angry at the Judgement Day right now but he wouldn't let his guard down so he kept his eyes locked on Damian as he cleared the room "Sax-man give us a minute."

"Of course."

Bryon Saxton quickly left the area as Damian said "I just want to talk. You don't even need to talk just listen to me."

Y/N felt like he owed him that much, he extended the same courtesy to the other two members of the group. "Go on."

"I don't know how you view me dawg. I used to but then what happened happened. You know that when we had our issues recently but that all stemmed from Edge. None of us originally had ever had an issue with you.

When there was an issue you just got your signals crossed but it's all been based on respect on our part and I know you respect us but if there was someone you don't respect, it's Edge because of what he took from you.

You had a problem with him for months just like we have a problem with him and now that's he back. I think if we work together we can stamp out that problem. So just like Rhea and Finn have been offering there's still a spot and now I'm offering it because we're all vouching for you. After all, we know that you would be a perfect fit and it would make sense.

So make the decision that makes sense for you."

Damian taps him on the shoulder as he leaves. Y/N didn't have too long to think about what happened when Bryon Saxton returned asking "Can you tell us what happened?"

"I don't know man. There's so much business going on that I'm losing track of what's happen-."

He was interrupted once again by Mustafa Ali saying "Talking about losing track of business, me and you have unfinished business."

Y/N's earlier frustrations returned. Y/N wanted to talk but people kept interrupting him. Was he the brunt of some impractical joke? Fine earlier was important but what was this one about? "Why? Why are you here? Go away, can't you see I'm in the middle of something."

"You see you say you're a fighting champion. But you only seem to pick your opponents and you seem to be picking everybody except me because you know I can beat you."

Y/N exhaled trying to calm himself down he knew Ali was pressing his buttons to get what he wanted "I mean this as nicely as possible. Go away!"

"I've been at the back of the line for weeks. I'm tired of waiting."

Y/N was getting closer and closer to the point of boiling point as his patience had been tested over the past few months but today after everything that happened in the past three days alone. It was enough to finally push him past the boiling point.

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