Face to Face

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"Houston, Thank you for that because to be fair I've been a bit of an arsehole to some people in the back and I'll apologize to them when I see them. But now we all have the same problem but that changes now because now we both get what we want."

"I'm going to keep this real simple. You know I created Judgment Day with the thought that I was going to help underutilized talents reach their full potential, that maybe I could pass on some knowledge that I've accumulated over the course of my thirty-year career to Damain Priest and Rhea Ripley."

The crowd booed for his former disciples during Edge's return speech. "Let them know" The crowd booed even louder "Man, I got to honest with you. It felt like we were just getting started. We were going somewhere but apparently that first taste of power, well it clouded their judgment, they thought they learned all there was to learn from me, but they were damn wrong."

The crowd booed as Edge continued "Now to be fair, along with Finn Balor they pulled one over on me. I didn't see it coming and that's rare. Put me on the shelf for a couple of months, but if you witnessed Clash at the Castle, you saw me pull myself out of the hell that you put me in, and now it's time to kill what I created. 

Finn, Damian, Rhea I'm going to end Judgment Day."

The crowd cheered for Edge's return but if they were was one man not in Judgement Day who didn't want to see him back it was Y/N L/N. So when his entrance music played Y/N was staring daggers through Edge.

Y/N had been waiting for this moment for months now plotting what he would do to Edge but now that he stood in front of Edge he wouldn't do anything. It was more like they were more important fish to fry right now.

Rey Mysterio came out from the back to separate the pair. "Hey, Y/N relax it's his first night back."

Y/N laughed maniacally trying to act like it didn't bother him as he walked away. Y/N wasn't done with Edge he was going to pick the time and the date to deal with Edge and he knew the perfect date but now he was going to focus on the task at hand. Y/N had a match against Mustafa Ali.

Somebody that has been pissing him off for what feels like forever, complaining about being at the back of the line. The referee rang the bell signalling the start of the match. It was less of a match and more of a beatdown. 

The match lasted for five minutes and Y/N was getting angrier and angrier. He wanted to end the match early but Mustafa Ali kept kicking out forcing Y/N to use more brutality to win. 

So Y/N chops his chest and shouts "You wanted this? You wanted my title." Y/N places him back against the turnbuckles and chops him again "You challenged me to a match."

Y/N picks him back up and places him against the turnbuckle and chops him again "I didn't want to do this." Y/N places him back against the turnbuckles and chops him one more time for good measure "You wanted this. You forced me to do this."

Y/N goes for the pinfall but Ali kicks out at two angering Y/N. Y/N picks up Ali and does an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles. "Give up." Ali slowly clambers to his knees angering Y/N he gave him opportunity after opportunity to quit the only reason he didn't end roughly was because he was being sympathetic.

But sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Y/N locks in the Guillotine and cranks it up making Ali tap in less than ten seconds not seeing any way to escape.

Y/N snatched his title from the referee. He gave Ali a chance to give up but he kept fighting now the beatdown he just gave him was on him. He didn't have a choice.

He threw the belt on his shoulder and walked up the ramp heading backstage to his locker room. Feeling agitated, Edge was a bigger problem than Y/N initially realized 

He didn't even know what ideas were his anymore but he knew one thing he hated Edge so when he came in Y/N was ready to fight right here in his locker room.

"I don't want to fight you. I know you heard what I said but I still thought it would be better to find you than you find me like earlier. For the last couple of months, I've been an arsehole to everybody but especially to you. I cost you your title thinking it would make you join our group. It was a stupid roundabout way. I should have just asked.

All I wanted was to teach you things. Just like I taught Rhea and Damian. But it turns out I did the opposite, making an enemy out of you and I want to fix that. So I apologize."

"I don't care."

"Really? That's great."

"I don't care you helped in my title defense because you did it for yourself. To send a message to Judgment Day so next time you want to send a message do it your own time like I'm about to do." 

Y/N squares up to Edge staring daggers through him "I'm telling you man to man Judgment Day isn't your biggest problem because this isn't over between me and you."

"Okay. I apologized I'm not going to keep apologizing."

"Yeah, I know it's okay. One right doesn't make up for months of wrongs. So I want a match."

"I came here to right my wrongs that's why I came to you first but if you won't accept my apology then I guess we settle this in the ring. You clearly want to settle it that way."

Y/N thought for a moment about when to settle it and he quickly decided on a perfect date "A fortnight from now. Y/N L/N versus Edge in Toronto for my title. You're on."

(I know that episode of Raw wasn't in Toronto but I wanted to change it because it's a pivotal location for the story.)

A/N Thank you for 2k reads. There seems to be more and more of you every single day. So thank you again.

I know this story is getting to a pivotal point but I'm thinking of making a new story. I have a lot of ideas and think it would be best to separate them into two stories that have very different identities.

The premise of the new story would focus on Y/N selling out to join the Judgment Day. He would be successful in his endeavors with the faction but he would get injured when he achieved it all and would get put on the sidelines for months. He would rediscover himself in those grueling moments because he needed to hit rock bottom to change his direction.

When he returns everything changes as Y/N sets himself on a path to make things right with the people he wronged as he tries to overturn his convictions as he focuses on reclaiming what matters most to him. Do you want to see that or should I focus on this one?

(The relationship will start with Reader X Rhea to Reader X Liv) 

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