OC in NC

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Y/N: One last time, can you explain the plan to me again?

All members of Judgement Day were at Raw prior to the penultimate Raw before Crown Jewel. 

Finn: We give AJ one last chance, he doesn't join, we leave him behind us and we move on. I've vouched for him and he's spat in our faces.

Y/N: When you say vouch?

Damian: If we vouch for someone it has to be someone we trust and that would join our group and we don't have an issue with.

Y/N: Do we all get a vouch?

Damian: I guess so. I vouched for Finn. Rhea vouched for you months ago and then Finn vouched for you after you won the title. Then Rhea and now we're here.

Y/N: Oh. That makes sense, so when do I get a vouch?

Rhea: You got here two weeks ago, shouldn't you wait a bit?

Y/N: Okay, that sounds fair.

Rhea: Who would you use it on?

She said wanting to know, whether it would be someone that would actually help the group or it would be someone that would hurt their relationship.

Y/N: I don't know, I was just asking.

Y/N went to his bag and brought out his wrestling shoes as Rhea followed over.

Rhea (To Y/N): So when are me and you training just us together?

Finn: I've been meaning to ask, how did it go?

Last week Tuesday.

Y/N tentatively entered the gym Rhea texted him to go to. It was dark with no signs of life at all, he wasn't even sure if he was in the right place. Y/N called out.

Y/N: Hello, is anybody here?

Y/N checked his phone and thought he was in the right place.

Y/N: Hello! I'm here!

Rhea: Back here.

Y/N followed her voice and saw the ring she was training in. She was the only one in the room and she was sweating as she continued to run the ropes in a training bra and shorts.

Rhea: Let's spar to go through the motions. Just grappling and wrestling.

Y/N: Um, I would rather not, I normally work out alone.

Y/N said while looking over her body admiring all her tattoos, completely different from Y/N who had none, he admired her eyes that seemed to see through whatever Y/N was going through good and bad. But as his eyes moved to her clothing and what it contained underneath. He gulped.

Rhea: Why? Afraid to lose to a girl?

Y/N: No.

Rhea: Come on then.

Y/N: Fine, let's do this. Don't complain if I let you win.

Rhea: Fine, let's raise the stakes. You win you're in charge, you lose I'm in charge.

Y/N: In charge of what?

Rhea: What do you think dumbass?

Y/N: Oh (A look of recognition flashed on his face) that sounds like a deal.

Y/N ducked under Rhea's grapple attempt, put his hand to ear, started to cup his ear, and began to mutter to himself.

Y/N: The future's all but set in stone.

Rhea: What's wrong with you?

Y/N: I'm trying to find a new entrance song my current one is too happy.

My Judgement Day (Rhea Ripley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now