Extreme Rules PT.1

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Y/N was in a good mood which was surprising considering the match he was about to enter.  Maybe it was the promise of being able to do whatever he wanted to Edge with nobody able to stop him. He could admit that the benefits were blinding him to the cons of a match like this. It blinded him to his own risk for agreeing to a match like this but it was a risk he wanted to take.

He entered his locker room two hours before the show even kicked off contempt to sit in silence as he tried to calm himself down for his first main event match ever. His peace of mind was interrupted thirty minutes later when a set of rough knocks was heard on the door. 

He got up annoyed and made his way to the door and opened it revealing a band of misfits all dressed in black and purple all looking moody. The same band of misfits who pushed him to surpass his limits in the ring. The same misfits who tried to take his US title but failed miserably. The same band of misfits he would call his teammates tonight.

Y/N jokes "You guys look like a barrel of laughs. What's your problem? Is this because I got Alter Bridge's new album before you three." 

Rhea's moodiness snapped away turning into enthusiasm "You did. How?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? I even got tickets. You can come if you want."

Y/N blushed noticing he might have made it sound like a date but it wasn't his intentions were pure but Rhea looked like she was going to accept however Damian cut her off "Can you two stop flirting and can you be serious for once?"

Y/N said seriously "I'm as serious as I look."

Damian said snidely "You look like a clown."

(Just so I'm being clear, this character has been based on Seth Rollins so in my mind he's been wearing outlandish stuff like Seth Rollins from the start which makes the serious scenes a lot more fun to right

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(Just so I'm being clear, this character has been based on Seth Rollins so in my mind he's been wearing outlandish stuff like Seth Rollins from the start which makes the serious scenes a lot more fun to right.)

Y/N bites back "Woah. I'm not taking the disrespect from you Bondage Undertaker."

The other two members of Judgment tried and failed to hide their laughter as Damian questioned "What does that even mean?"  

Y/N just shrugged. "I don't know but it fits."

Finn's laughter eventually died as he stated seriously "Seriously I'm not wrestling alongside him if he's wearing that."

Y/N commented obviously "Obviously I'm not wrestling in this. The suit is way too valuable." Y/N points to purple sneakers with green laces combined with black pants. "I'm wrestling in that. I told you guys today I'm serious. I'm serious about putting Edge through a table. I'm serious about busting Edge open and I'm serious about winning."

"That's the Y/N we're looking for."

"It was always here but what are you guys doing here?"

Rhea says "We're here to talk strategy."

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