Final stop before MITB

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Over the next two weeks, Y/N missed Finn's calls repeatedly.

If you asked Y/N, he was busy trying to win the US title, but if he was being genuine, he was fabing him.

He didn't want to speak to someone who aligned with Judgement Day feeling like Finn turned his back on Y/N.

But on a much lighter note, Y/N earned a title shot on the US title on the final Raw before Money in the Bank after continuous ribbing of Theory from Y/N for the previous two weeks.

"You keep bringing up me getting busted open. I think it's hilarious. I'm going to show you something truly hilarious. It's even funnier than when I beat up your stooges up two weeks in a row. You will all go in the ring later tonight with me one by one, and I'm literally going to try to rip your arms off, and then I'm going to beat you with it."

"And since I'm in such a good mood. I'll let you pick which one of you I beat up first, but if I win, I challenge for your title at Money in the Bank. So, whose is it going to be?"

"You think I'm stupid?"

He shouted, "Yeah!" into the mic and was quickly joined by the fans.

Austin Theory is seathes in anger, not learning from the previous encounter. "We accept. Chad, you start."

Chad Gable comes down to the ring first, and eight minutes later, Y/N was done with the former Olympian. Y/N and Gable were both trying to outwrestle each other with Chad winning the tussle until Y/N decided to play to his own strengths with a spinebuster, which awarded a late two count

Chad Gable got back into the match when Y/N went for a moonsault which Gable dodged under and tried to apply an ankle lock on the former IC champion who tried to crawl to the ropes but was too far away so he used his other leg to get up and make him release with an enzuigiri. Y/N then hits a lethal combination, which ends the match.

Then, next up, Otis came down to the ring. It was a change of pace for Y/N having to deal with the quick switch of wrestling styles with Gable trying to out-wrestle him, whereas Otis was determined to power him. It was a short stump for Y/N, but he quickly adapted to overcoming the obstacle. Y/N tried to hit a clothesline, but it only managed to barely move him.

So Y/N tried a standing springboard moonsault, which Otis caught and readjusted him before doing a power slam to the former IC champion. Otis went for a pinfall, only getting a late count. Y/N was not willing to let his title hopes fade away.

Otis goes to the other side of the ring and starts charging up a worm. Y/N does a kip up and hits Otis with a running knee strike, eliminating Otis and advancing to the next opponent. The champion.

Austin Theory doesn't give him time to get a breather he quickly runs in attacking the former IC champion. Austin Theory tried to take another photo with the downed Y/N, but Y/N Irish whipped Theory into the ring post arm first, hurting his selfie arm.

Y/N used this most of respite to his advantage as he got up hobbling, still feeling the effects of the ankle lock. When he goes out of the ring to bring Theory back in, Theory takes advantage and does a dropkick sending Y/N into the barricade.

Theory rolls back into the ring as the referee starts to count to ten already being on four.




Y/N starts stirring and feels something is up with his shoulder. 


Y/N finally gets back to his feet.


He manages to roll back into the ring, but Theory pounces and starts trying to stamp a hole into the Y/N who could only cover up. But Theory starts to attack Y/N with a series of punches to his grounded figure. Y/N tries to do something.

He hooks onto one of the arms successfully applying a kimura lock, which quickly makes Theory shout in pain. Theory quickly grabs onto the rope, making the ref start the count to break up the hold.



Y/N breaks up the hold before dragging Theory into the middle of the ring and applying it again, leaving Theory with no possibility of escaping. He taps out. Securing Y/N's victory against the three members of Alpha Academy and Austin Theory in under fifteen minutes.

Y/N lets go of the hand and begins to celebrate as his music starts to play, but he doesn't get to celebrate for long because Alpha Academy quickly attacks him afterwards overrunning him.

The theory gets up holding his arm and tries to take a stupid selfie with a beat-up Y/N kicks Theory away again and into the turnbuckle before headbutting Gable and giving Otis a spinebuster. Y/N superkicked Chad Gable, then Otis, and when he was about to hit Theory, he rolled out of the ring.

Theory scurried off into the crowd as Y/N watched as Theory scurried off into the crowd. "You can keep running because on Sunday, I will shut up when I kick your teeth down your throat."

So at Money in the Bank, Y/N was coming in with momentum after his final stop before Money in the Bank.

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