My French is horrible.

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Y/N was in a cheery mood.

Well, as cheery as you could be when Judgement Day was officially back getting involved in his business but this time acting from afar,  if Judgement Day and Theory had one thing in common. 

It was that Y/N wouldn't have to deal with them tonight because there would be a new one-number contender for his United States championship.

It was either Dolph Ziggler, Mustafa Ali, Tomasso Ciampa, or Chad Gable. All superstars were good in their own right, but Y/N was confident in his abilities so he wouldn't shy away from the challenge

He was watching the match backstage, and it was a tight one with all showcasing their skills, Y/N was looking for anything useful for next week and saw some areas where Y/N could dominate. 

But it ended with Tomasso Ciampa pinning Mustafa Ali after an intervention from The Miz. He didn't care he was just happy Tomasso won because he would verse somebody he competed in NXT against.

Which seemed to be everybody these days, but he liked it. It was a nice way to see how much he improved as he felt that he was getting better. People who used to be a tough match were getting easier and easier, and he felt that nothing was now out of his reach.

The cheery mood was shattered when he was told that the main event was supposed to be Miz TV with Y/N as the special guest for the upcoming challenger next week.

"Please welcome my guest at this time. Y/N L/N, the superstar who is going to lose to my prodigy next week handing him the United States Title."

Y/N laughs sarcastically "Well if there is outside interference I'm sure I will be a hundred percent fine."

Miz asks "Y/N, you want to talk about outside interference let's discuss. At Summerslam Judgement Day interfered taking out the Alpha Academy. What can you tell us about Judgement's Day interference?

"Miz, what's with the pointed question? If you had been paying attention to Raw for the last couple of months, instead of trying to befriend a part-timer. You would have noticed that I've rejected them a ridiculous amount of times.

I didn't know they were even in Nashville. I didn't plan on nearly getting jumped by the Alpha Academy. But I did plan on entering Nashville as champion and exiting as champion, and I did just that because I won. Something you couldn't do.

You see, I want to remain United States Champion for a long time and to do that, I have to become one of the greatest United States Champions ever. I want to join the likes of John Cena. Ric Flair. Lex Luger and be recognized as one of the best US champions ever."

"And the Miz."


"I'm one of the greatest United States Champions of all time."

Y/N nervously chuckles completely forgetting "Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

Miz says condescendingly as if talking to one of his kids. "You forget about my first title reign as US champion. That's probably because you were still trying to get your first kiss."

Y/N was twelve when both events occurred. He remembered it vividly because Y/N kissed the girl as the match mid-way through the match. After all, Miz's wrestling style bored him but he wasn't going to admit that on TV so he joked "Doesn't that just mean you're old?"

Miz glares at Y/N and says angrily "Let me remind young man that I was the United States Champion twice. Let me remind you that I'm also the only two-time grand slam champion."

"Don't get pissy. We're not talking about the stepping stones that you call balls."

"I have massive balls! I have gigantic balls! I have humongous balls!"

"Prove it!" The crowd joins, chanting "Prove it!" Making Y/N smile.

The Miz can only respond with a confused "What?"

"Get in the ring tonight with me for this title, and we can do it right now."

"No. My prodigy Tomasso Ciampa will be the one to take your title next week."

Y/N snorts derisively "Prodigy. He's 36!"

"That is far from the point. He will be the one to take your title."

"Okay, man, we know you have little balls. You don't have to prove it."

Maryse in defense of her husband says "My husband has massive balls! Huge balls. Gigantic balls."

Y/N says, slightly disturbed by the couple. "You guys are grossly overcompensating."

Y/N turns to Ciampa "Ciampa why are you kissing his arse? You're better than this. A guy I went to war with is now being a kiss arse to him. I get he has tenure, but that's just because his wife is Maryse." Y/N turns his eyes to Maryse."Damn, I missed seeing you on Raw mademoiselle."

Miz looks angry, Maryse looks insulted, and Tomasso is trying his hardest not to break into a smile.

Y/N was completely befuddled. "What did I say?"

"My wife is happily married.

"What? I apologize. My French is bad. I flunked out of it in secondary school. I thought it meant a young woman because she is kind of old."

Miz and Ciampa both move closer to him, trying to immediate Y/N, who puts his hands up. "Wait. I don't mean it rudely. She looks good for her age."

"I will not stand for this disrespect. I've had enough."

Y/N throws the chairs out of the ring before he turns around, asking Miz, "You don't want to change first? I don't want you to have any excuses."

"It won't affect the result."

The referee starts the match as the timekeeper rings the bell starting the match Y/N just ran at Miz hitting a running finisher taking the soul out of The Miz as he looked like it was his funeral dressed in a nice suit but was completely out of it.

Y/N makes the pinfall winning the match in under seven seconds, officially becoming his quickest match in WWE. 

Y/N takes his belt gratefully before he quickly rolls out of the ring taking the title with him and getting away from Ciampa in case he was planning to soften him up for next week in case he was planning something as the main event finished with Y/N looking at the ring holding his title.

My Judgement Day (Rhea Ripley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now