Money in the Bank

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Y/N was wrapping kinesho tape around his shoulder as he watched Liv's match that was nearing it's conclusion. He had to tape his shoulder, the rotator cuff in his left shoulder was strained so he was just trying to provide whatever support he could.

He was advised not to take the match but Y/N was too stubborn. This was a chance to claim a title.

He was anxious he needed to win against Theory.

He was anxious that he wasn't going to be alone in his match against Theory. He suspected the Alpha Academy would attempt to help Theory but it wasn't them he was worried about.

He thought that the Judgement Day was going to try to cost him again and Y/N would be damned if he would let that happen again.

He hasn't seen them since June 6th. It's like they fell off the face of the earth after they attacked Edge. The only sign that the group lingered was Finn's calls which Y/N had taken to avoiding too busy focusing on the title he was trying to win.

So when his entrance played he was pumped for a chance to become United States Champion for the first time but more importantly, he was alert. It was more paranoia Y/N was paranoid as his eyes darted around the arena and his heart was racing around like a horse on a racetrack.

When the match finally started Y/N focused on what was ahead of him. Theory.

Y/N tried to end the match in two minutes seeing an early opportunity to do so. He went to the corner of the ring charging up a running finisher but Theory rolled out of the ring not wanting to get hit by the finisher.

He went to the timekeepers area taking his belt as the referee started the count. 

Champion's advantage.

How could he forget about that? 

He knew Theory was a slimy git who wanted to retain by any means necessary but was stupid for thinking that he didn't want to retain by countout.

Y/N ran out of the ring resetting the count and chasing after Theory. When he was about to grab Theory he spun around and attempted to hit him with the Championship but Y/N ducked under before hitting a superkick making him fall to the floor as he dropped the title. Y/N picked him up and began to drag him back to the ring.

Y/N went for a pinfall but only got a two-count. Over the next three minutes, Y/N would take control of the match against Theory but would fail to get the pinfall. Austin Theory would take control when Y/N went for a moonsault 

Theory got up pushing Y/N into the barricade. Theory exited the ring and started to focus his attack on the injured shoulder. He started with a slingshot catapulting his left shoulder into the ring post. He rolls into the ring as the Referee starts the ten count Theory walks around the ring boasting in front of the crowd who were booing.

Theory would then kicks Y/N's shoulder before ripping the Kinesio tape off taking away Y/N support. Y/N would struggle to clamber to his feet before he is attacked again by Theory in a twisted wrist lock before dropping him on his injured shoulder. 

Theory taunted the crowd who were booing him even further who was already planning his next attack as he put Y/N in an arm lock causing even further damage to the arm. The crowd rallies behind Y/N as he starts to show signs of life and breaks out of the hold.

/N would managed to get back into the match with a pele pick knocking him and Theory down. Once they both get up Y/N dodges under Theory's lariat and goes for a crossbody but Theory wanted to do a lariat of his own resulting in them both crashing into each other causing a crash in the middle of the ring.

The crowd rallies behind Y/N as he tries to get up and back into the match. He hits Theory with a right-handed clothesline sending him to the canvas. Y/N gets up going for an attack of his own and dodges Theory's attack and hits him with another right-handed clothesline which keeps him planted to the mat. 

Y/N tries to bring the crowd back into the match to will himself on as Theory makes his way to the corner of the ring. Y/N catapults himself into the corner before going for a spinebuster but doesn't have the strength needed with the injured arm to pull it off allowing Theory to escape, he tries to punch AJ but he ducks underneath and hits him with an inverted atomic drop. He goes for the pin only managing to get an early two count.

Y/N tries to sets Theory up on the top rope but he kicks him away before escaping with a double axe handle to the left shoulder of the contender. Theory would go for a chop but Y/N would go for a kimura lock trying to send them both to the ground but Theory sent himself directly into the ref before Y/N managed to drop Theory to the floor.

Y/N didn't notice the referee applying the hold even tighter making Austin Theory tap. Y/N let go of the hold but the ref was down.

Chad Gable and Otis come running down to the ring to help their leader. But Y/N hadn't let his guard down. He was expecting somebody to get involved he waited till they were at ringside before he attempted a running plancha to take them both out.

He then superkicks both of them as they were slowly getting up.

He runs back into the ring feeling his blood pumping as the adrenaline soars through his veins. His shoulder no longer felt strained. He felt like nobody could stop him not even the Judgement Day could stop him now.

But Theory low blows the contender making the crowd boo at the shameless Theory as Y/N clutches his privates kneeling over. The ref slowly gets up to see Austin Theory holding Y/N as he goes for a town down.

As the ref gets up going to count.

He hears the first two counts

He thinks of everything he sacrificed over the past two months to get back to this spot.

Everything that he sacrificed left his family in England. Missing his niece's birthday. He had to win it was the only way he could live with the sacrifices he had made. He finds the will to keep fighting and forces his body to push up his shoulder.

He gets his shoulder right when the ref was about to slam his hand into the mat.

The crowd cheers as Theory looks shocked before shouting at the ref "That was three."

The referee responds "It was two. He got his shoulder up before the three count."

Theory tried to hit a town down to him but he pushed him off and into ropes before rebounding into Y/N's path who hit a running finisher to take out the champion. The ref does the pin and this time successfully counts to three.

Y/N celebrates gets handed the belt making Y/N smile from ear-to-ear ecstatic to be US champion. He celebrated with the crowd who were cheering for him. Y/N taunts the belt swing making the crowd ah in disappointment.

He did it whenever he won or defended his IC title. He owned them that much for having his back for the last two months when he needed it most. Y/N starts swinging the belt making the crowd cheer even louder happy for the new US Champion.

He does a suck it to a seated Theory who was staring at Y/N who had just finished swinging the belt repeatedly feeling joy run through his body. 

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