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After Y/N's face was cleaned up by the nurse, given eyedrops and stitches by the new nurse who scared him slightly. Especially with the eye drops.

 Y/N entered his dimly lit locker room which was a nice contrast to the arena that seemed to shine brightly despite the blood that entered his eyes. In here it was just him allowing himself to kick his shoes off and taking a moment to relax trying to decompose from the events

He was so close to winning against Judgement Day. So close it was within his grasp he was a moment away from winning if Rhea didn't get infront of his finisher he would have connected with Edge. But she stopped right infront of him. She knew that he wouldn't hit her and force him to stop. Giving Edge the moment he so desperately needed to get back into the match and bust him open with an impaler ddt.

Then even if he wasn't busted open they would of won. Y/N could have stopped the pinfall so this night was sucky to say the least. He just wanted the night to end so when he heard the door creak open. Y/N looked to the door wondering if it's a trainer, a nurse, or a fellow wrestler who wanted to fight.

"Y/N! you decent?"


Liv opens the door before walking in slowly still feeling the effects of the match. She looks at the stitches "How are you feeling? I looked for you at the EMT but they said they let you leave."

"I'm good. The loss hurts more than the cut does but we go again hopefully Judgement Day leave us alone and we can focus on our solo careers. No offense."

"None taken. It was fun being in the ring with you. Hopefully, we can partner again."

"I would like that. It was fun, hopefully, we win next time though."

"Yeah. How's the head? I saw the bump it looked painful."

"I'm good. Only needed 6 staples. It won't leave the scar."

"That's good." She looks away "How are you feeling about Rhea?"

"I don't know what's up with her. She's taking some pleasure in being a nuisance to me. She got in my way when I was going to do R/F because she knew I would stop dead in my tracks."

"It's like she's different now. She changed after Nikki turned on her."

"When did Nikki Bella attack Rhea?"

"No. Nikki A.S.H." Y/N tries to run through his mind trying to remember who it was but was only drawing blanks. Liv expands further "The one that dresses like a superhero. The Scottish one."

Y/N just shrugs not knowing there was a Scottish superhero on the woman's roster. 

"I haven't seen her and in my defense, somebody dressing up in a superhero costume is someone who should be avoided and I don't really watch Raw anymore since I joined."

She mock pouts "So you don't watch my matches? I'm hurt. I thought you were supposed to watch me." Her mock pout breaks into laughter "I'm sorry that was so funny. You should have seen your face."

Y/N just laughs "You got me. You had me worried for a second."

"I'm going to wait outside. You clean yourself up."

Y/N gets up heading to the shower being extra careful with the fresh stitches and quickly finished the rest of. He wouldn't be fine for what he had planned at Monday so the plan had to change which just piled on the bad news on an already shitty day.

Once done he changed into comfortable streetwear and was about to put shoes on but the locker room door opened revealing a fellow wrestler he really didn't want to see. Y/N says agitated "Rhea, if you came to boast about your victory just hurry it up. I'm not in the mood."

"That's no way to speak to a lady."

"Because I'm speaking to a succubus, not a lady."

She takes a seat in front of Y/N making him stop packing up his stuff. She looks at the fresh stitches "It's a shame that's going to ruin your pretty face."

Y/N's breath hitches at the woman's words or was it a taunt? He truly didn't know it's been back and forth for the last few weeks both sides trying to get a reaction out of each other but this is what stumped him. Y/N retorted "It won't leave a scar."

"That's good." She looks away before she steadies her breath and says "You got guts you know." She looks back at him with dark brown eyes staring deep into his soul "It takes a lot of balls to step up to the Judgement Day."

Y/N jokes "I only got two."

Rhea's serious demeanor breaks, turning into a small smile which makes her face look ten times more beautiful.


No, she's supposed to be the enemy. He was supposed to hate her. No, I hate Edge but she turned on Liv who was a friend. So she was still the enemy but her smile was adorable.

Menacing but adorable.

Y/N shakes his head trying to get the image out of his head. "I know you're not here to pat my back. So what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with an undeniable offer."

Y/N's eyebrows quirk with skepticism. He's been given undeniable offers before. The offer from NXT UK to poach him from FWA when he was only 18. Then he got another offer to join NXT when he was only 20 sending him to the USA and away from his family for long periods of time. 

He previously left his family but it was for short periods only leaving the country once he would only travel around the UK leaving the country entirely for months on end and having to live on his own before he was even 21 was tough but it was an undeniable offer. So whatever this offer was it had to be truly something to be undeniable.

She moved closer to him, snapping him out of his musing making his breath hitch when he saw that their knees were practically touching. She really had him wrapped around her finger but she didn't know it or maybe she knew it because of that same half-smile accompanied with something devious that was hidden behind her dark brown eyes.

"A better Judgement Day is coming soon and we could use someone like you on our side. You have potential we only want to see you fulfill it. That's why I'm willing to put our differences aside so we can all rise but if you want to keep falling at our feet we can do that too. So are you going to join?"

Y/N didn't even have to think. It wasn't about pride, it was about loyalty. He was loyal to his teammates. Even if they lost he had their backs just like they had his. So the offer was very deniable to someone who had been offered multiple undeniable offers. 


Her half smile dropped turning into a fierce glare. She mutters "Why?"

Y/N says gaining more confidence with every word "Loyalty. I know it's not something a backstabber can understand. I can't be working with someone who stabbed her friend in the back. You stabbed Liv in the back for losing. You would have stabbed me in my back tonight if I was in Judgement Day. I don't know how Edge and Damian can trust you. I don't know how I used to trust you."

Her fierce glare relaxes as her eyes turn soft and a soft smile begins to adorn her face. "I was never loyal to Liv. I'm loyal to Damian and I've been loyal to you."

Y/N was flustered as he tried to compose himself before responding but Rhea's soft smile turned into a mocking smile capturing his attention. "It's a shame your friends don't share that same loyalty. I hope you enjoy staying on Liv's level."

She gets up while giving him one last, lingering look of irritation, frustration, and another emotion that Y/N wouldn't comprehend. She turned on her heels, striding out of the locker room as Y/N could only sit and watch as she walked away as with his mind a thousand miles away.

Was Finn joining Judgement Day?

He wouldn't.

Finn had his back and joining Judgement Day would be a clear violation of that.

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