Secret Encounter

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Y/N was ecstatic. On the final stop before Summerslam, he had just pinned Theory for what felt like the hundredth time. After Summerslam he needed a break from versing him it was getting repetitive.

He was excited because just like the last two PPVs he was coming in with all the momentum he just had to keep it going because if he did it was likely he would be walking in and out of Nashville with the United States Title.

When he finally made it back to his locker room. Y/N entered the room cautiously, scanning the dimly lit room for any signs of trouble but there seemed to be none. His guard had been slowly dropping, he had been Judgement Day free for the last three weeks and he was enjoying his time but he had a feeling it wouldn't last much longer.

Maybe he was just being a bag of nerves but his doubt was well cast because Rhea entered the locker room as if she was waiting for him to enter.

Y/N looks up to her slightly surprised to see her. He could only respond with what was on his mind "Knocking is not just a suggestion you know."

"You shouldn't have let the door open and I'm surprised I have to knock."

"Well, I don't trust you. So next time knock."

"Okay." She turns and knocks on the door "Better."

Y/N tried to hide the small smile threatening to escape but failed miserably as Rhea broke into a smile of her own "Why you here Rhea?"

"I come here offering an insurance policy. Just like last time but this time it looks like you need it a lot more especially how tonight went. You tried your hand at the number game tonight. How did that work out?


She snickered "I saw how it went. You nearly lost to Theory. That would have been embarrassing, to say the least. Especially with your match coming up. I'm just offering a way to even the numbers in the event of an interference."

Y/N scoffed he had already defeated Alpha Academy there was no need for help and he was confident he would win. "You can take your numbers and shove it up your a-"

Rhea cuts him off, voice laced with anger and frustration "Easy. Just like I told you last time watch your mouth."

Rhea points at the US title that he had placed over his bag "I came offering a solution to your problems so you can keep that title you cherish but those Alpha dorks are going to interfere with your match whether you like it or not. We will take them out if they get involved."

Y/N snorts "I guess you're doing this from the kindness of your hearts or do I have to shake hands with a demon and join the Judgment Day."

Rhea nods "Exactly."

"See that's why I decline. I don't want to see you at Summerslam. Now if you don't mind can you leave?"

A chapter that I lost but I found it. it makes sense to put it in. So here it is.

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