The Night Everything Changed (18+)

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They get backstage all in a jubilant mood, happy to put Edge behind them. It was clean victory, having got a clean sweep and tonight they all wanted to celebrate, so they were going to a club to commence their victory celebration.

Y/N says "Can you guys give me a second and I'll meet you back here to celebrate?"

"Yeah of course."

Rhea half joked, half said seriously "Don't ditch your own party Y/N."

Y/N grinned "I won't, I just need to call someone real quick. I'll meet you guys later." Y/N turned walking away as he dragged his championship with him as he headed to his locker room.

Once Y/N was far enough away Rhea asked curiously "Who do you think he's calling?"

Damian answered "Probably his girlfriend."

Rhea glared as she said hoping she was right "He doesn't."

Damian says matter of factly "I mean he probably does. Look at him. Face of Monday Night Raw, United States Champion, highest in merch sales across both rosters, hasn't lost in months, pretty much untouchable and only getting better, not even 25 yet, good looking."

Rhea said agitated "Okay baby girl if you like him so much why don't you ask him out?"

Damian says "I'm just saying I see why you are interested, hell if I was a girl I would be interested that's why I think someone has already beaten you to the punch but if you didn't take things so slow maybe you would be the person he's calling."

Rhea says rhetorically "I move slow? You haven't made on a girl since Cardiff."

"I can move fast, much faster than you can. When was the last time you were with someone? Nearly five months ago with the blonde one."

Rhea bit her lip knowing he was right but didn't want to admit she could only sourly challenge him "Then prove it. When we go to the club later, pick up a girl."

"Only if you tell Y/N how you feel by Monday Night."

"Deal." Rhea stormed off heading to her stuff as Finn and Damian were left alone.

Finn tapped Damian "You know he doesn't have a girlfriend right."

Damian nods "Oh I know. I just wanted to speed things up. I've been listening to it for nearly a year now, I'm sick of listening. She needed a push."

Y/N was completely unaware of what was going on being in his locker room with a content smile as he opened up his duffle bag, brought out his phone and called his mom. "Hello, son. I saw the match it looked painful, how are you feeling?"

"Good. Relieved. Free."

"I'm happy for you. I know that must have been hard for you."

"I don't know. During the match my mind wasn't there but now that I think about I feel better than I have in months." He chuckled nervously "Is that weird?"

"No. I remember your dad told me the same thing after his most brutal match."

Y/N remembers with a small chuckle "I remember I had nightmares for days just imagining that mist." His mom starts to chuckle alongside her son but Y/N chuckle dies down as he said seriously "I just want to ask you something."

Her chuckle died at Y/N's serious tone. She questioned, "What is it?"

"Judgment Day. I know you had no problem with me working with them but I'm thinking about joining them. But I need to know if that's okay with you and the little one first."

"Of course it's okay with us. But it doesn't matter what we think because it's your decision to make. Because you're on your own out there so I can't tell you what's right but know one thing me and your sister will always love you the same no matter what. No matter if you are the champion or not, even if you do join the group and change, we will still love you."

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