What the hell is an Alpha Academy?

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Over the next week, Y/N was medically cleared to fight again on Raw. He thought it would take longer to be cleared because of the stitches but he was happy to be back at it. It was pretty much the only piece of good news he received all week.

He has been frustrated since last week. He tried burning off the frustration at the gym but got nowhere.

He tried working at the Performance Centre where he learned some new moves but the frustration still stayed. So if anybody set him off tonight than Y/N wouldn't be too nice about settling it.

Y/N was set to go to start the show. So when Y/N entrance music played the crowd cheered but when he came out he didn't exit with the normal enthusiasm that seemed to plague him.

He kept the sunglasses on and his newfound cap which hid his stitches in an attempt to hide behind his true feelings. Y/N was never one to speak about what he was truly feeling keeping his vulnerabilities to himself but tonight he was going to try and speak openly about what he was feeling.

Y/N was passed a mic which he gratefully appreciated. He started "So Wisconsin let's talk." The crowd cheers making Y/N not breaking into his normal smile after hearing the crowd cheer for him, it felt like pity.

"Nine days ago at Hell in a Cell. We lost and I got a beautiful new scratch as evidence of my failure. Then the Monday night afterwards I heard Finn Balor went and joined the Judgement Day, you guys want to know what I'm feeling?"

I don't care about Finn joining the Judgement Day he's a grown man he can make his own decisions. So if he wants to join them and sit on their mountain I don't care because I want more than to just feud against them. If they want to fight me I'm right here but if not then I can't be bothered to go chasing them again. So-"

Before he can finish, music comes on interrupting him. Theory comes out holding his microphone flanked by Chad Gable and Otis. "Look who it is. It's my number two." The crowd booed as Austin Theory continued "I would introduce myself but I'm sure you already know who I am."

"I know who you are, Austin Theory. Remember we were at NXT together. We spent Christmas together, we got kidnapped together and then we went to therapy together." Y/N's eyebrows furrow remembering his past experiences with Theory "That was a weird six months."

Austin Theory says angrily "My name is Theory and we aren't supposed to talk about that. Remember?"

"Oh yeah, Dexter didn't like you." Y/N laughs as Theory starts to get angry making Y/N continue "Weird thing to get mad about." 

Y/N moves on before saying congratulatory "Well done, Theory for becoming United States Champion."

"I'm the youngest United States Champion ever. At only twenty-four. How many titles did you have at twenty-four?"

"You haven't been paying attention. I'm younger than you. I'm 23 and won't be 24 till B/D and I already have won the IC title."

"Which you lost! To the walking clown emoji. Sami Zayn. He didn't even defend it once before losing it last Friday. That makes you a bigger joke than he is."

Y/N just rolls his eyes in annoyance knowing all about Theory's childish antics but he thought that it ended months ago. "Shut your mouth. You're supposed to be the United States Champion. So, why don't we settle like this like champions are supposed to? Get your arse in the ring and we can duke this out."

The crowd cheers, obviously liking the proposition and wanting to see Theory's ego get brought down to size but he responds "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Yeah." The crowd chants "Yeah" alongside him.

 Y/N continues "Let me tell you something, you see me and you have some similarities. You're young. I'm younger. We've both been champions before 25 but that's where our similarities end because I don't have a stick up my arse since I wasn't gifted a title shot by my daddy."

Vince left WWE after Wrestlemania 38 but he was clearly helping Theory.

"So take my advice. Watch how you talk to me because your daddy ain't here anymore. So shut your mouth or I'll take that title."

The crowd chants "Daddy's gone." Y/N laughs at what he started and even harder when the crowd chants "Who's your daddy?"

Austin Theory shouts "Shut your mouths."

Chad Gable says "Shuush!"

Making the crowd boo even louder as Y/N laughs even harder finding this whole segment hilarious. Theory says "What's so funny? I got something really funny if you want to laugh." They show the image of Y/N getting busted open at Hell in a Cell making Y/N's smile shatter turning into a burst of maniacal laughter. "Why are you laughing?"

Y/N says "Just seeing that put me in such a good mood. So I'm going to do something hilarious right now. It doesn't matter if it's you" He points at Theory then moves to Otis "Or the big one or even the short one. I'll find someone in the back to partner with to beat your arses all around Wisconsin."

"Well, you're going to have to deal with the three of us."

They all start to walk down to the ring surrounding from opposing sides. Y/N used the things that he learned from watching prison documentaries and took out the biggest guy first hitting Otis with a superkick.

Chad Gable and Theory try to attack Y/N with the number's advantage as Y/N tries to keep fighting but they play the number's game successfully. They try to take advantage but Ezekiel comes down evening the numbers as Theory slips out of the ring but Gable stays. Ezekiel does a clothesline before he gets up falling right into Y/N's inverted atomic drop setting him up perfectly for a superkick but Otis drags him out of the ring by his feet.

"Thank you, Elias."

"I'm Ezekiel."

"What? No, your Elias."

"No, I am Ezekiel."

"My man, you and Elias look just the same. Kevin told me that Ezekiel was an alias for Elias."

"Kevin is a liar."

Y/N just shrugs not really knowing Kevin Owens that well.

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