Tribal Chief

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Roman Reigns was in the ring with the Bloodline and the Wiseman on the final raw before Summerslam when he gets interrupted by Austin Theory who was nervous even to join them in the ring. But after encouragement from the Tribal Chief, he soon joined them in the ring.

"We like him right?"

"He's alright but we like the other one more."

"The other one?"

"The person who defeated Austin Theory at Money in the Bank." The crowd cheers for the United States Champion who wasn't at Raw tonight.

"Wise man. You know we don't watch Monday Night Raw. This show is the B-Show."

"You remember the IC champion. Y/N L/N." Roman shrugs, making Paul Heyman explain further "He wasn't ready and fell short at the final hurdle in the Rumble. He also tried to defeat the Usos at Crown Jewel with Finn Balor but unfortunately lost and now he and Finn are no longer friends.

Roman remembered now. How often do you spear somebody so your cousins can defend their Smackdown tag titles? "I remember him. Isn't he the new youngest United States Champion?"

"Yes, my Tribal Chief."

"He's somebody we want to see. Come on out Y/N." Nothing happens. "Wiseman, is he here tonight?" Roman was angered that Y/N would even dare disrespect the Tribal Chief.

"He has an injured shoulder and won't be here tonight just to be safe for his match at Summerslam

Roman nods "Maybe he needs a family of his own to watch his back," Roman says jokingly "Maybe he could become an honorary uce."

"Yes my tribal chief, it does sound like he needs somebody watching his back. He's like a young Cena. He's good in the ring and is very good at promos, nearly as good as you, my tribal chief."

"He's great isn't he?" The crowd cheers in response as Roman continues "What did he say recently to Theory?" Roman taps his head trying to recollect something he saw "I remember seeing it on Twitter with a massive pop."

The crowd cheers as Roman turns to Theory who is getting angrier and angrier by the second. "Something about your daddy being gone."

The crowd takes this as their queue to restart the chant from a month ago "Who's your daddy?" The Usos both laugh as Heyman looks away trying to hide his laughter.

Roman says "I'll tell you who his daddy is, cuz if he keeps messing up, the Tribal Chief is going to be his daddy." The crowd pops as Roman keeps going "But we don't want that because we want you to understand the situation here. I run the garden now."

The Tribal Chief threw the mic away as he walked out of the ring followed by the Heyman and then the Usos. Jey slapped the back of Theory's neck disrespecting him, making Theory retaliate by slapping the Money in the Bank briefcase into his back. Jey went to get even but was stopped by Roman.

Y/N was in fact here tonight but he was occupied with something more important so much so that he couldn't be bothered to respond to an empty callout because he was seated in the back happily eating some of the cake from the 20th anniversary of Rey Mysterio in WWE.

Then he watched as Theory tried to do his thing but was again interrupted by Drew Mcyintre. A match between the pair started which which improved his mood even further as Theory was getting his arse kicked by the Scottish psychopath Drew Mcyintre.

The match would remain uninterrupted only for a few minutes before Sheamus and the rest of Brawling Brutes came out. Y/N didn't have to think he came out of the back running to help Drew.

Y/N had a history with Sheamus and his brawling brutes before Y/N won the Intercontinental Title. Sheamus wanted Y/N to be a brawling brute but Y/N wanted more than that So Y/N rejected inciting a feud resulting in Y/N winning at Elimination Chamber in Saudi Arabia.

The feud was settled with Sheamus ending up respecting the younger man and allowing him to move on but tonight Drew got jumped when he was in a match with Theory so Y/N felt he owed Drew one.

So Y/N ran out of the backstage decisively as the crowd cheered for the US champion. Y/N hit his running finisher on Ridge Holland. He goes in the ring taking the fight to Theory allowing Drew to fight off Sheamus.

Y/N clothesline Theory out of the ring allowing Drew to take care of Sheamus as Y/N was in a staredown with Butch.

Both men have a history that predates many years to Y/N years in NXT UK that stemmed around the NXT UK Title. Butch even broke all the fingers in his hand on his way to retaining the title but it was different now he was the champion. Y/N does a superkick allowing Drew to get the claymore off sending Butch out of the ring.

Y/N turned to Drew who was smiling making Y/N break into his own smile. Drew jokes "What took you so long?"

Y/N shakes his head "Next time, I won't bother."

"It's been too long."

Adam Pearce exits backstage to make the match official, setting up Y/N and Drew versus Theory and Sheamus.

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