Circus Tricks

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His mom, his dad, Batman, Rey Mysterio, William Regal, and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Those six all had one thing in common, except that they were all human of course but Y/N admired and respected them all growing up. Some on the list were obvious like his parents and Batman. 

Batman needed no explanation, he was Batman.

Shinsuke Nakamura and William Regal were wrestlers he grew up watching but they always stood out to him. Shinsuke for his time in NJPW having watched it religiously as a kid. William Regal because he was one of the most prominent English Wrestlers of all time.

But the reason Rey was on that list was because he was somebody that Y/N deeply respected. After all, he was always the underdog because of his height but would still prevail a message that stuck deep within Y/N.

Y/N wasn't always 6'2. He used to be smaller than average all his life but his dreams of being a wrestler always stayed because Rey Mysterio inspired him to pursue his dreams no matter what despite his height.

Luckily for Y/N, he had a massive growth spurt when he was sixteen going from 5'4 to 5'11 so it was no longer a pipedream but Y/N always kept in touch with the moves Rey used to win, becoming a worthy tool in his arsenal.

So when they finally met Y/N's admiration turned into mutual respect as Y/N would get to fight alongside Rey once but they have never locked horns in the ring till tonight. Y/N hoped that after tonight Y/N would still have some semblance of respect for Rey Mysterio, but it was looking unlikely as Y/N was in control of the fight as he used his bigger size and own knowledge of Rey's moveset to control the match against his childhood hero. It was weird for him to beat up Rey but it was something that had to be done to defend his gold.

Y/N was looking to end the match seeing an opportunity after eight minutes, he went to hit his running finisher but Rey dropkicked him into the middle ropes. Rey quickly ran and hit a 619 hitting Y/N in the face making him roll back and out of the ring.

He knew what was coming after and he would prevent that from happening but with Y/N at ringside Rey followed quickly ending up on the top rope and attempting a diving senton. Y/N caught him and quickly sent him into the ringpost before doing a bucklebomb into the barricade.

Y/N rolled back into the ring as the referee started the count Y/N waited as the count ticked by till it reached eight as Rey finally showed the fight to get back in the ring and beat the ten count. Y/N tried to end once again with a spinebuster not giving Rey any time to rest but Rey reversed into a tilt-a-whirl DDT.

Rey attempted a crossbody to the supine Y/N but the United States Champion dodged rolling out of the way. He got up quickly and Y/N hit a superkick to the kneeled Rey dropping him to the mat. Y/N quickly followed with the pinfall getting a late two count.

Y/N made his way to the corner of the ring and started the countdown signalling the end of the match for Rey. The crowd chanted alongside him "3! 2! 1!" right when he reached one he was about to run to hit his running finisher.

"This is my Brutality!" echoed through the arena.

The fuck.

Y/N stopped dead in his tracks as he looked up to the ramp to see Rhea making her way down to ringside and stopped at the bottom of the ramp. They locked eyes having an unspoken conversation as Y/N was thrown into a deep thought.

This wasn't in the script, there was no plan for her to come down to ringside. There was never a plan for her to ever join him at ringside. So why now?

He hadn't spoken to her since last week before he called out Edge. There were other ways to get his attention and this wasn't one of the ways. Y/N turns his attention back to Rey going to connect with his finisher. Rey turned his finisher attempt into a rollup which Y/N would kick out from.

They both got to their feet quickly as Y/N would go to hit a superkick to the smaller man but Rey moved faster and hit a double dropkick to his other leg sending him buckling him facefirst into the turnbuckle.

Y/N caught himself before going face-first into the turnbuckle. He turned to Rey who tried to hit a hurricana on Y/N but he caught him. Y/N decides to go for a powerbomb but he takes too long to decide as Rey does a hurricana sending him into the middle rope.

Rey succeeds and he charges up the 619 but right he runs to connect Rhea stands on the apron next to Y/N giving him a moment to slip away and recuperate as she distracts Rey and the referee. She drops down of the ropes Rey turns his attention back to Y/N but he is standing on his feet and connects with the running finisher ending the match.

Y/N receives his title from the referee as he drapes it on his shoulder exiting the ring and seeing a grinning Rhea. He walked past nonchalantly leaving his hands out as fans high-fived him as he made his way back to his locker room thinking about why Rhea was there. 

He wouldn't have to wonder for long because Rhea would catch up to him and say "No words of gratitude. No thanks for the save."

Y/N says genuinely shocked "Pardon?"

"We're friends, right? That's what friends do they help each other in their matches to ensure they win. I told you if the load got too heavy we would help lighten the load for you. Your focusing on Edge and still defending your title it made sense for me to lighten the load for you tonight."

Y/N smiled gratefully she was right he might have been distracted tonight "Okay, thank you for the save" Y/N's smile disappeared as he tried to will himself to be serious for a second "But I didn't need the help and a bit of a warning next time, you kind of distracted me out there."

Rhea broke into a half smile stringing up feelings inside Y/N as she flirted "Woah Y/N, distracted by me just like I'm distracted by you."

Y/N's cheeks pinkened slightly at the flirting and his double entendre. Y/N wouldn't let Rhea win the game and flirted back with a smile "Will I be seeing you after my match next week or was this a one-time stand?"

He meant the double entendre this time. 

Rhea's lips crept into a flirty smile "You might. It just depends on what you're going to do next week."

Y/N says amusedly "I might have to go even deeper into my bag of tricks just to surprise you."

Rhea taunts "Nothing you can do can surprise me. I know you too well."

Y/N leans closer so that they are practically eye to eye "Oh, Rhea you've just barely scratched the surface of what I can do, and next week it's going to be memorable for the fans in Toronto but for all the wrong reasons."


From this point on the relationship will get increasingly flirty until they 'do it' at some point after Extreme Rules, so I need to where we stand on Smut. Do you want it to be included or should it fade into the end and leave what happens in the bedroom up to your imagination and interpretation?

Also, the other story idea I mentioned two chapters ago is going to be delayed till I'm finished with this but two Judgment Day stories coming out at the same time might be conflicting and confusing.

I want to have two stories coming out at around the same time so I don't get bored with writing this one. That's why I'm thinking of making a Bloodline Story instead.

The Bloodline story will focus on the Samoan Nightmare's journey in and out of the Bloodline. The story could start at Summerslam 2020 and the key moments will be shown in chapters until I get to Post Wrestlemania 2023 when the largest cracks start to show or I start when the cracks are formed and show his previous tenure in the Bloodline in one brief but large chapter and the people he crossed will be shown as he comes across them.

I haven't decided yet it's all up for speculation but what do you think?

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