Tag Team

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When the main event finally started Theory and Riddle started which was a nice change of pace for Y/N not having to immediately take the fight to the opposition but not for long because Riddle was picked off by the pair with quick tag moves.

But Riddle got back into the match, Theory failed to take advantage when Riddle was on the floor he preferred to rather boast in front of Y/N which gave Riddle enough time to get back in the ring placing him into the corner before unloading on him with a series of kicks.

Riddle keeps moving forward hitting a Karelin lock to Theory. Theory moves to the corner of the ring allowing Riddle to do a diving forearm smash before making the tag to the fresher Y/N into the match as the crowd cheers for the US champion.

Y/N runs to the other side attempting a flying clothesline but he doesn't stop there he drags Theory into a lariat. Theory scurries off the empty corner setting himself up for a running shoulder thrust into the corner but Theory stops him with a big boot.

Theory runs off the ropes as Seth Rollins attempts a sneaky tag but Y/N kicks Theory in the gut going for a DDT, Seth runs into the ring getting greeted by a kick to his gut setting him for a DDT as well. Y/N goes for hit hitting a double DDT to his opponents.

He goes for the pinfall on the legal man barely getting a two count. Y/N sighed, it was still going to take a lot of work to pin Seth.

Y/N makes the tag to Riddle as they use their superior team chemistry, Y/N gives Riddle ten fingers allowing him to do a floating bro to Seth Rollins. Riddle goes for the pinfall scoring a quick kickout.

Seth Rollins tried to make the tag but Theory wasn't in sight allowing Riddle to cut Seth from his side of the ring and tag in Y/N again who got a free shot at Seth's midsection.

Y/N then sends the Visionary face first into the turnbuckle. Y/N then starts an onslaught of clotheslines into the ring post as the crowd starts to count up to ten. Once he reaches his tenth Y/N goes to hit a falcon arrow but Seth breaks free and slips behind him.

Y/N goes to hit a diving crossbody but Rollins uses his experience and ducks under sending him over the top rope.

Rollins runs attempting a suicide dive but Y/N catches him with a stiff uppercut. Y/N then drags him out of the ring and goes to hit a snap suplex ringside but Theory tries to intervene but gets hit with a knee from Riddle. Y/N finishes it off with a suplex at ringside. Y/N goes to throw him in the ring but Dolph Ziggler music plays distracting him.

Just like with Judgement Day, he didn't know why he was here but the match interventions were starting to tick him off.

He turns around to see Ziggler walking down to the ring in a suit but he isn't here for him because he kept walking and took a seat by the announcer's table. Y/N sent Rollins back into the ring and made the tag to the eager Matt Riddle.

A couple of minutes later Riddle was trapped in the ring with Seth Rollins as the ring was essentially cut into two.

Riddle would fight his way out with a series of strikes to both Theory and Rollins he would climb to the top rope going for a floating bro but Theory would take his legs from under him dropping him into the turnbuckle.

Rollins would use that moment's advantage to attempt a reverse suplex of the top rope making Y/N wince that looked painful. The visionary goes for the pinfall only getting a two count.

Riddle attempted a tag but was too far away before he was picked off by the visionary who slowly measured Riddle as he began to pick him off. Rollins started to taunt him "Where's your big bro at?"

Riddle responds with a chop to the chest of the Visionary and starts to unload on Rollins getting back into the match. He ran off the rope attempting something but was plucked out when he was stopped by Seth catching him with a sleeper hold trying to drain Riddle as he transitioned to the front and dropped to the floor.

Riddle fought his way back to his feet trying to attempt a tag with Seth still applying the sleeper hold but Seth would keep him in the sleeper forcing him back to the mat.

Y/N would avoid Seth Rollins's trailing arm turning it into a pele kick when he turned around. Y/N would keep moving hitting him with a running dropkick sending him into the ropes and then hitting an inverted atomic drop.

Y/N would move quickly seeing Theory get back to his feet would attempt a baseball slide dropkick sending him back to the floor.

Y/N would move across the apron setting himself up for a springboard knee strike but Seth would duck under and hit Y/N with an enziguiri Y/N would go for a neckbreaker.

Y/N was entering that zone he's been in the past few weeks he did a kip up making the crowd cheer. Y/N would pick Seth Rollins attempting to Irish whip into the corner but Seth tried to go up and over so Y/N hit him with an under kick to the chest.

Y/N would then attempt to finish it off with a superkick. Y/N went for the pinfall thinking the match was won when it got passed two and Seth showed no signs of kicking out but Theory intervened prolonging the match.

Y/N would pick the ankle of Theory before he would get stopped by a stiff punch forcing him to let go of the grip. Theory would run off the ropes to try something but would get intercepted by a spine buster.

Seth would use his moment's advantage hitting a discus elbow to the chin. Seth would set Y/N for a neckbreaker of his own but would change plans turning into another discus elbow to the base of his skull.

Seth would move to the top rope and hit a frog splash hitting Y/N flush on the stomach. Seth Rollins went for the pinfall but Y/N had too much grit to stay down so he kicks out at two.

Y/N went for the tag but Seth was grabbing onto his ankle so Y/N tried to force himself up and steady himself with the other foot before hitting an enziguiri earning the opportunity to tag in a fresh Riddle.

Theory would get into a flux of his own hitting a power slam on the running Theory. He would keep moving hitting a DDT similar to his tag partner. When Riddle would go for the RKO on Theory, Rollins would save him.

Y/N decided to attempt something he'd done once before but because the setup was perfect, this setup was even more so. Y/N runs around ringside gathering momentum and spearing Seth Rollins through the barricade.

The crowd cheers nearly just as shocked as Y/N who couldn't believe that worked.

Riddle would go for an RKO on a distracted Riddle but Theory would reverse into a schoolboy pin attempt as the ref would count he would place his feet on the ropes making it harder for Riddle to kick out but Ziggler would save the day when he pushed Theory's feet off the ropes.

Theory would look angrily at Ziggler but would turn his attention back to Riddle who would welcome him with an RKO winning the match. Y/N and Riddle would celebrate their victory with the crowd and Ziggler would then greet Theory with a superkick.

A/N I know I missed portions of the match. I got bored writing something that's fairly inconsequential to the ending.

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