True Feelings

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???: Y/N wake up. We're going to be late.

Y/N (groaned): Five more minutes.

???: No. Come on we got to go.

Y/N: Fine.

Y/N rubbed his eyes unaware of his surroundings. He was used to waking up to several walls and a roof, those of which he didn't initially recognize, which at first, wasn't so strange.

After all, WWE Superstars find themselves in different hotel rooms every night, each eventually blending into the other. But this...this was different. As he shook off the rust, the color of the walls, the questionable decor adorning them, the furniture adjacent to the very bed he was laying on...they all gradually became eerily familiar.

Then he realized that this, the room he'd awoken in, was the very same room from one of his dreams! And, as horrifying as that realization was, it brought along one far more terrifying than anything Y/N could've possibly imagined.

He did it with Rhea. So he couldn't help but exclaim

Y/N: What the hell you doing in my room?

Rhea (Stated): Are you stupid? We're in my room

Y/N: Why am I in your room?

Rhea: We had sex remember. I lost count how many times I orgasmed.

Y/N (Quipped sarcastically): I was happy to oblige."

Rhea: You don't sound to happy?

Y/N: I am, it's just I thought it would be clearer in my mind.

Rhea: We can do it again, just at another time we are going to be late. We're supposed to meet the others by car in twenty minutes.

Y/N: Oh shit. My bad. Give me a second and I'll get ready. (Y/N waited for a second for Rhea to leave but she didn't) Can I have a minute?

Rhea: Why?

Y/N: So I can get some clothes on.

Rhea: I've already seen you naked.

Y/N (Muttered under his breath): Jesus christ. (Y/N explained) Rhea I need to shower without any distractions and don't you have to change."

Rhea: Too fast, too soon. I get it. I'll see you at the lobby.

Rhea entered the bathroom as Y/N groaned annoyed

Y/N: Fuck.

He didn't want to mess this up. He looked at his watch before he sighed and quickly threw some clothes on as he done the walk of shame back to his apartment. He quickly entered the shower and then quickly dried himself and redressed himself into more casualwear so that he could apologize to Rhea. Y/N knocked on her door when the door swung open revealing Rhea who was about to exit her room before she could speak Y/N quickly apologized.

Y/N: I'm sorry. It's just that I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that we had sex. I was waiting for this for so long and now it's here I don't know what to feel. I'm happy we did it, but I'm afraid it might make things weird between us and ruin it.

Rhea: Me too. I waited for this and now it's here. I'm happy but I don't want to ruin it by messing it up with you because Y/N I like you a lot.

Y/N: Me too but we don't have to go a mile a minute, we can take things by feel and take our time and get to know each other even more because we both like each other a lot and I don't want it to blow up in our faces. So let's do by what feels right for both of us.

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