Into the Light Classic 3.5 Years Later

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What's up guys, this is RaveDoggTV.

Can you believe it's already been three and a half years since I first created Into the Light Classic? I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your incredible support since I started this journey back on October 13th, 2020. It's been an amazing ride, and I couldn't have done it without you.

Now, I want to address something that's been on my mind. I know that Into the Light isn't getting as many views as Into the Light Classic did during its peak, but that's okay. As I continue to grow and experiment with my writing, my standards have also risen. Looking back at Into the Light Classic, I can see that it was filled with reference humor, fourth wall breaks, and other stupid shit--I wouldn't even call myself a great writer back then.

But you know what? That's all part of the creative process. When I saw all the amazing Splatoon fanfictions on Wattpad, I decided to jump in and create my own story. Little did I know, it would end up shaping my perspective on content creation in ways I never thought possible. And for that, I'm forever grateful to all of you.

I'm excited to bring back some of the classic content you all loved from Into the Light Classic, and I'm also looking forward to exploring new ideas and experimenting with my writing even more. It's crazy to think that everything started with a late-night idea and would become friends with X-FL0W, OctoTeen, DGTV987, DarkInkling369, and AbdulazizSharkar. We all had our own unique stories and writing styles, but we bonded over our love of Splatoon and the creative process.

I still remember the discussions we had about a potential crossover between our stories, even though it never came to fruition. It just goes to show how quickly things can come together when you're passionate about what you're doing. And I'm so grateful to have had all of you along for the ride.

If you have been a long time reader since October 13th, 2020, please give the modern reimagining of this story a chance.

If you have been a long time reader since October 13th, 2020, please give the modern reimagining of this story a chance

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And please, share my modern Into the Light with everyone you know on Wattpad. It really helps with the support and allows me to continue working on what I love.

I'm RaveDoggTV, and I'll see you guys next time. See you space cowboy.

Uploaded on: April 9th, 2024

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