Chapter 41: Beautiful Reunion; Part 2

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(Alice's POV)

-7 years ago-

It was Alice's first day of middle school, and she was more than a nervous wreck to begin with. It was only until her 8th birthday that she finally found a good family to adopt her, as the headmistress at the orphanage was very cruel to the children -- even more so to the very little amount of Octoling kids there, to where most of them committed suicide by jumping into a vat of highly concentrated salt water. Out of the 12 million Highlings present on that faithful day... only 10,000 survived. The Highlings figured out that Octavio wanted to cripple the Inklings by driving the Highlings to extinction, as many would say that the Darklyoni Massacre is considered an act of genocide. After the massacre, the Highlings would be renamed to the Darklings to honor those who had fallen on that faithful day, as well as their homeland Darklyon. Their silver eye color and blonde ink would be changed to a red eye color and black ink as prove they're motivated by vengeance. Those who haven't fully committed to vengeance stay as Highlings.

Alice can still remember the cruel punishments given to her and the other children back at the orphanage; flogging, locked in small closets, malnourishment, forced to work for hours without sleep, and many more barbaric acts... but never rape.

The young princess makes her way through the hall of the school, ever so nervous as she is. Unfortunately... as she was running to her class to avoid being late, she tripped and fell. And at that moment, the second bell went off, and first period had started.

Alice: Oh no... I can't be late on my first day!

So Alice makes her way to the classroom, and the teacher, Mr. Inkstein begins the attendance.

 Inkstein begins the attendance

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Mr. Inkstein: Alice Lionheart..

Alice: Y-.. Yes?

Mr. Inkstein: Tardy on the first day of school.

Alice: But I-

Mr. Inkstein: Take a seat.

Alice: ....Yes, sir. *She slowly goes to the back and takes her seat*

There were only two people that seem to recognize her; one of them was a Darkling named James Francis.

There were only two people that seem to recognize her; one of them was a Darkling named James Francis

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