Chapter 20: One Hell Of A Concert

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(Azazel's POV)

I woke up groggily on the couch. My eyes were fluttering as I looked around, only half awake. By then, the effect of the elixir had faded away and my leg had regenerated.

Azazel: Ugh, I am never fighting another wizard again.

I weakly got up, due to the fatigue that swept over me as well as the weakness from when my leg regenerated.

I walked up to my room, and got myself some pants and a tank top on.

I then walked back downstairs and made my way to the kitchen.

The way that I was walking gave off the illusion that I was a zombie that was drunk, so it made it a little difficult to walk. [Believe me, I had no idea where I was going with that comparison.]

I opened the fridge and tried to grab the milk carton, but due to the fact that my vision is a little dazed from the fatigue, I had a hard time finding it.

Once I did found it, I set it down on the counter.

Marina: Oh. Hey, Azazel.

Marina had just entered the kitchen.

She walked up to me and gave me a hug.

I returned the hug.

Azazel: Hey, Marina. As you can see, I am not feeling my best. After that shenanigan with Merasmus, it took a toll on my body.

Marina: Aww, is there anyway that I can help you?

Azazel: It wouldn't hurt to try anything to help me.

Marina: Hmm...

-In her mind-

I entered her room, to she Marina wearing nothing but a robe on.

Once we were there, she pulled me in for a kiss.

After the kiss, she would disrobe herself and rested her naked body on her bed.

Marina had a huge blush on her face.

Marina: P-Please, be gentle...

-Back to reality-

Marina was tomato red by now.

Azazel: You know what? Never mind.

Marina was somewhat relieved at that, but still had a large blush on her face.

I made myself some coffee, and headed to the table to add in my creamer.

Pearl soon walked into the kitchen.

Pearl: Yo, what cha got for breakfast?

Marina: Well, I made you some pancakes.

Pearl: Ooh, yum!

She grabbed her plate of pancakes from the counter and headed down to the table.

Pearl looked at me funny.

Pearl: Yo, why you be drinking coffee like some old dude?

Azazel: To help me out with how tired at am, especially with that incident with Houdini yesterday.

Her face was engulfed with anger.

Pearl: I will never forgive him for filling my head with pickle brine. Imagine what people would think of me if they saw me like that.

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