Chapter 6: Lost and Found

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(Azazel's POV)

I woke up early in the morning. Unsurprising, based on how worried and nervous I am. This can either be my final day on the job, or my final day on Earth.

It took me a while to get to sleep the night before, with my mind rushing, thinking of everything that could happen. Yet... In all the things I imagined happening to me, and everyone in Inkopolis, not once did I consider not doing it. If I'm going to die, then I'll die with honor.

I went downstairs and made myself a light breakfast, not feeling very hungry. I decided to leave for Octo Canyon before Pearl or Marina woke up. I wanted to walk there today.

I was taking in all the sights of the city, breathing the air in, really taking in the freshness of the air. Seeing the rays of the early morning sun protruding from behind the towers. I got to a bridge along the way. It overlooked a large part of the city and the ocean. The sun looked like it was coming right out of the ocean. I stopped for a moment to take in the sight and let the heat of the sun hit my body.

I then started back on my way of getting to Octo Canyon.


(Marina's POV, last night)

Pearl quietly opened Marina's bedroom door.

She tip-toed her way across the room to go over to the outlet along the wall. She unplugged Marina's alarm clock, then plugged it back in.

On Pearl's way of sneaking out of the room, she stopped and took a picture of Marina, Marina's alarm clock, and herself. She then giggled as she snuck the rest of the way out of her room. Then, as she was closing the door...

Pearl: Hehe. Check it.

She then shut the door, quietly.

Marina's eyes then opened.

Marina: *Whispering* Thanks for the advice, Pearlie.

With a smile on her face, Marina then set her alarm clock correctly.

Marina: *Whispering* I hope you don't mind, Pearlie, but I took the liberty of changing your alarm time, to give you some more sleep. You are quite energetic, so think of it as giving your batteries some extra charge.

She giggled, then went back to sleep.



Marina woke up to the sun on her face. She stretched her arms and back, then got up.

She walked downstairs, and made a bowl of cereal. She went upstairs and brought it to my room.

Marina: Azazel? I made you breakfast. I'm coming in, so I hope you're decent.

Marina then opened the door to see an empty bed.

Marina: Azazel? Are you in the bathroom.

No response.

She saw a note on the bed. She set the cereal down to go pick up, and read the letter.


Dear Marina and/or Pearl,

Don't worry, I'm fine. I have some very important work to do today, so I decided to leave early, to get a head-start. I hope you aren't upset. I thought I could use the fresh air.

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