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Hi I'm Sapphire Young but you can call me Gem or Saph. I was born and raised in Liverpool by my mum Ruby Young and my dad Jasper Young. I have two brothers Tristan Young who is two years older than me and Bertie Young who is two years younger than me. My dad was the reason why I got into football as he would take me to the Emirates to watch the Arsenal men play. He also made me join the local team at 9 years old where I stayed until the age of 14 which is how I got scouted for Liverpool's academy.

I met my childhood best friend Grace Clinton in secondary school when we both tried out for the girls football team and both got in. From then on our friendship grew, our parents said we were always attached to the hip. Grace gave me the nickname SD due to my first name being Sapphire and middle name being Diamond, so I gave her the nickname GC. While i was in the Liverpool academy she was in the Everton academy so the only way we could communicate was by our phones.

You might be thinking why i haven't talked about my mum yet and the reason is because she passed away when I was 13. Me and my mum were not as close as me and my dad because she believed that girls can't and shouldn't play football as it is a boys game so only boys should be playing. I am the only footballer in my family as my older brother Jasper has a job in finance and my younger brother Bertie wants to be in the police. They support me playing football and would always try to convince my mum to support me too but she would never listen.

I was doing really well in Liverpool's academy and would score goals at every chance I could get when playing in midfield. I was in the academy for 4 years until I got scouted by the Swedish club Vittsjö. Moving to a different country at 18 was so hard that for the first week of living in Sweden I would cry myself to sleep because I was missing my family and friends. Sometimes I would even think to myself was signing this professional contract the right decision, but then I would think about if Liverpool would have given me a contract.

I would facetime my family every night and they would tell me it was the best decision I made. It was incredibly hard saying goodbye to Grace that I couldn't see her the day I was leaving. We called and facetimed as much as we could but we were both busy as she was now playing professionally for everton.

My first season at Vittsjö went really well as I made 14 appearances for the club and scored 6 goals. During the first season I was living by myself in a two bedroom apartment. In August 2022 we had signed a new player on loan from Rosengård, Charli Grant. As no one else had a spare room in their apartment Charli moved in with me and from then on we clicked. After a month of Charli living with me we got so close that she asked me to be her girlfriend after she took me out for dinner.

In December we decided that we were going to take a trip to Australia to spend Christmas with her family. While I was in Australia I met her best friend and national teammate Kyra Cooney- Cross. Mine and Charli's relationship was going really well until she started looking at my phone and reading my messages that me and Grace sent to each other.

On March 1st she broke up with me because apparently I was cheating on her with Grace. When I asked her why she thought I was cheating on her she said it was because of the messages and how we would FaceTime every night, i tried explaining to her that me and Grace were just friends and that I would never date Grace nor cheat on her. The next day she moved out of the apartment and told Kyra what had happened. I woke up to texts from Kyra stating how I could do something like this to Charli and that Charli never deserved me. When I tried ringing kyra to tell her my side of the story she wouldn't answer and kept on declining so i gave up.

The last few months of the season couldn't have gone any slower, Charli would always pull hard tackles on me in training hoping that she would injure me and always said sly comments. When the transfer window opened I straight away put in my transfer request notice and was put on the transfer list. I got quite a few clubs wanting me but never in England. So when i got an english club wanting me i said yes straight away without noticing that it was from the team i hated the most, Tottenham.

When I flew over to England to sign my contract I absolutely hated the idea of playing for my favourite club's rival but it was too late as on the 12th august 2023 I was announced as a new player. My dad wasn't happy with the fact that I signed for Tottenham but understood that it was the only English club that wanted me and I couldn't turn it down. What I didn't know was that Grace was also signing for Tottenham but on a loan deal. So on the 14th August when Grace signed the contract and it was announced that she was going to play for Tottenham on loan we decided to move in together. Which brings us to today... watching the England Women vs Spain Women's World Cup Final.


This is my first story so it will probably not be as good as expected. if you have any ideas on how you want the story to go please comment and I will try and incorporate those ideas into my story. 

Thanks from A/N

How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now