Chapter 67

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Alessia's POV:

The studio was buzzing with excitement as Ella and I prepared for another episode of the "Tooney & Russo Show." This time, it was just the two of us with our host, Vick Hope. The focus of the episode was our future in football and life beyond the pitch, touching on the possibility of more little Russos running around and when Ella and her boyfriend Joe might tie the knot and start a family. It was going to be an intimate, candid conversation, and I felt a mix of excitement and nerves.

Vick greeted us with her usual warmth as we took our seats. "Welcome back, listeners, to another episode of the 'Tooney & Russo Show.' Today, we're diving into the future with these two incredible footballers, Alessia Russo and Ella Toone. Ladies, it's great to have you here."

"Great to be here, Vick," I replied, smiling.

Ella nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's always fun to chat with you."

Vick leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Let's jump right in. Alessia, you've had an incredible journey so far with Arsenal and the national team. How do you see your future in football?"

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Well, football has always been my passion, and I see myself playing for many more years. But it's also about finding that balance with family life now. Sapphire and I have our hands full with the triplets, but we're managing. I want to keep pushing myself on the pitch while also being there for my family."

Vick smiled. "That sounds like a beautiful balance. And what about you, Ella? Where do you see your career going?"

Ella grinned. "I want to keep growing as a player, hopefully winning more titles with Manchester United and the Lionesses. But like Alessia said, it's about balance. Joe and I have been talking about the future, and while we're not rushing, we definitely want to start a family someday."

Vick's eyes lit up. "That brings me to my next question. Alessia, are there going to be more little Russos running around in the future?"

I laughed, glancing at Ella. "It's funny you ask. Sapphire and I have definitely talked about it. Right now, we're focused on raising our three little ones, but who knows? We might want to add to our family in a few years. It's something we'll revisit when the time feels right."

Ella chuckled. "Those kids are already adorable. I can only imagine how cute more little Russos would be."

Vick turned to Ella, a playful look on her face. "And what about you, Ella? When are you and Joe getting married and having kids?"

Ella blushed slightly but laughed. "Joe and I are definitely in it for the long haul. We've talked about marriage, and it's something we both want. But with our busy schedules, it's hard to set a date. As for kids, we want them too, but probably after we're married and settled a bit more. It's all about timing."

Vick nodded. "It sounds like both of you have exciting futures ahead. Alessia, how do you manage the demands of professional football with being a new mom?"

"It's challenging," I admitted. "But having a strong support system helps. Sapphire and I are a team, both on and off the pitch. We help each other with the kids and make sure we're both able to pursue our careers. It's all about communication and supporting each other's goals."

"And how has Sapphire's return to football been?" Vick asked.

"It's been amazing to see her back on the pitch," I said proudly. "Her determination and strength through her ACL recovery and pregnancy have been inspiring. Watching her play again, knowing everything she's overcome, makes me incredibly proud."

Ella chimed in. "Sapphire is a powerhouse. Seeing her back on the field has been a highlight of the season."

Vick smiled. "It's clear you both have a lot of admiration for each other. Alessia, how do you handle the pressures of your career while being a supportive partner and mother?"

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