Chapter 6

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Alessia Russo's POV:

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, I found myself scrolling through Instagram for what felt like the 100th time since being in the changing room a few hours ago, caught up in the excitement of the moment. As I came across Sapphire's recent post, a mischievous grin crept across my face, fueled by the lighthearted banter of the evening. With a playful twinkle in my eye, I decided to leave a comment, intending to tease Sapphire in good fun. But as I typed out my message, the words took on a life of their own, fueled by the euphoria of the celebrations and perhaps one too many glasses of champagne.

Before I could fully process what I was doing, I hit send, the comment flashing across the screen in all its drunken glory, my heart skipped a beat as I read over the comment, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I had inadvertently sparked rumors about a relationship between Sapphire and me.

As the adrenaline from the day's events slowly began to ebb away, I found myself feeling utterly exhausted. The World Cup victory had been an exhilarating experience, but it had also been physically and emotionally draining. Ella and I made our way back to our hotel room, our steps heavy with fatigue. The celebrations had been joyous and unforgettable, but now all I wanted was to collapse into bed and let sleep wash over me like a gentle wave

As I slipped under the covers, a contented sigh escaped my lips. The mattress felt like a cloud beneath me, and the soft pillow cradled my head in a comforting embrace. I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of relaxation that washed over me. Ella was already settling in beside me, her breathing slow and steady. I smiled to myself, grateful for her presence. We had been through so much together, and sharing this moment of quiet tranquillity with her felt like a precious gift. As sleep began to claim me, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events with a sense of wonder and gratitude. We had achieved something truly remarkable, and I knew that the memories of this day would stay with me for a lifetime.

With a final whispered goodnight to Ella, I let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber, the echoes of celebration still ringing in my ears. Forgetting about the drunk comment I put on sapphires recent instagram post that sparked rumours.

Sapphire's POV:

As I scrolled through the comments on my recent Instagram post, I couldn't help but do a double take when I came across a comment from Alessia that seemed a little... out of character. My brows furrowed in confusion as I read over her message, a playful smirk forming on my lips. "Hey, Grace, check this out," I called out to my friend, gesturing for her to come over. Grace sauntered over, a curious expression on her face as she glanced at my phone screen. "What's up?" she asked, her interest piqued.

I chuckled as I showed her Alessia's comment. "Looks like someone's having a bit too much fun celebrating," I remarked, amusement evident in my tone. Grace's eyes widened in surprise as she read the comment, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "Oh, boy," she replied, a hint of laughter in her voice. "Seems like Alessia's really letting loose." I nodded, a sense of understanding washing over me. "Yeah, looks like it," I agreed, knowing full well that the post-match celebrations could get a little wild.

As we continued to joke about Alessia's accidental comment, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her

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As we continued to joke about Alessia's accidental comment, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. After all, we were on the other side of the world, sitting in our apartment in England, while Alessia was in Australia celebrating the win with her teammates and family. It was understandable that she might get caught up in the excitement of the moment. But even from thousands of miles away, I knew that Alessia would appreciate the humour in the situation. After all, we were both Grace's friends, and a little bit of harmless fun was all part of the post-match revelry.

As I scrolled through my Instagram notifications, a sense of apprehension gnawed at me when I noticed a message from my ex-girlfriend, Charli Grant. We had parted ways five months ago after she accused me of cheating on her with grace , and although we had both moved on, it seemed that old wounds were still lingering for her. With a deep breath, I opened the message, bracing myself for what I might find. As I read Charli's words, a wave of confusion washed over me. She was upset about the comment Alessia had left on my post, despite the fact that she was now in a new relationship herself.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at the situation. It seemed unfair that Charli was still holding onto resentment from our past, especially when she had found happiness with someone new. But I also understood that emotions weren't always rational, and it was clear that this was still a sore spot for her. Carefully choosing my words, I replied to Charli's message, expressing my regret that my actions had caused her discomfort. I reassured her that there was no hidden meaning behind Alessia's comment and that it was all in good fun, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind.

As I hit send, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Charli's reaction than met the eye. Perhaps there were unresolved feelings that she was struggling to come to terms with, or maybe she simply needed more time to heal. Whatever the case, I hoped that my response would bring her some measure of comfort and closure, even as I grappled with my own feelings about the situation. After all, navigating the complexities of past relationships was never easy, but it was a necessary part of moving forward and finding peace.

 After all, navigating the complexities of past relationships was never easy, but it was a necessary part of moving forward and finding peace

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How I Sapphire Young fell in love with Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now