Chapter 3

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Alessia Russo's POV:

The cheers of the crowd enveloped me as I looked around at my teammates, their faces aglow with elation. But amidst the chaos, one face stood out to me: my best friend, Ella Toone. We locked eyes, sharing a moment of sheer disbelief and joy. As the celebrations erupted around us, Ella and I embraced, tears of happiness streaming down our faces. We had dreamed of this moment for as long as we could remember, and now, it was finally here. Together, we had achieved the ultimate goal, and nothing could dampen our spirits.

Amidst the sea of cheering fans and flashing cameras, we made our way to the centre of the pitch for the trophy presentation. The weight of the trophy in my hands felt surreal, like a dream I never wanted to wake up from. And as the crowd erupted in cheers once again, I lifted the trophy high above my head, my heart overflowing with pride. But as I basked in the glory of our victory, I knew that this moment was about more than just me it was about the countless hours of hard work and sacrifice, the unwavering support of my teammates and coaches, and the unbreakable bond of friendship that had carried us through every high and low.

And as I looked over at Ella, her smile lighting up the stadium, I knew that this was a moment we would cherish forever, a reminder of what can be achieved when you dare to dream and never give up, together. As I was celebrating with her I was pulled over to do an interview.

As the post-match interview began, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the magnitude of the moment. Surrounded by the jubilant cheers of my teammates and the roaring crowd, I took a deep breath, steadying myself for the questions to come.

"Congratulations on the win, Alessia! How does it feel to be a World Cup champion?" the interviewer asked, a smile lighting up their face. I couldn't contain the grin that spread across my own face. "Thank you! It's honestly hard to put into words," I replied, my voice tinged with emotion. "This is a dream come true for all of us. To win the Women's World Cup, on this stage, with these incredible teammates it's beyond anything I could have imagined."

The interviewer nodded, sensing the depth of my feelings. "And your goal, Alessia talk us through that moment." I couldn't help but relive the thrill of it all as I recounted the play that led to my goal. "It was an incredible pass from Lucy Bronze, perfectly timed and perfectly placed," I explained, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. "All I had to do was get my foot on it, and when I felt the ball hit the back of the net, it was pure elation. To not just score in the World Cup final but score the winning goal it's a moment I'll never forget."

As the interview continued, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and pride from everyone around me. This victory wasn't just for me, it was for my teammates, my coaches, my family, and all the fans who had believed in us from the very beginning. And as the celebrations continued to rage on around me, I knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would live on in my heart forever, a journey filled with triumph, camaraderie, and the unshakeable belief that anything is possible when you dare to dream.

Sapphire's POV:

As we watched Alessia's post-match interview from on the sofa, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride wash over me. Seeing her standing there, poised and eloquent, as she spoke about the team's incredible journey to victory was a moment I would never forget. "That was amazing," I exclaimed, turning to my friend Grace with a wide grin. "Alessia really nailed it!" Grace nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with admiration. "She's such an inspiration," she replied, her voice filled with awe. "The way she spoke about the team and that goal gave me goosebumps."

I couldn't agree more. "It's moments like these that remind us why we love the game," I mused, my gaze drifting back to the celebration unfolding on the pitch. "And to see Alessia up there, representing us with such grace and poise it's truly special." I knew that this victory was about more than just the game itself it was about the bonds of friendship, the power of teamwork, and the shared dream of achieving greatness together.

Alessia's POV:

After the interview I headed to the changing room where all the girls had gone after finishing their on pitch celebrations. Stepping into the changing rooms amidst the echoes of cheers and jubilation, I was greeted by a cacophony of laughter and excitement. The air was electric with the energy of victory, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as I took in the sight of my teammates, each one wearing a grin as wide as mine. "Congratulations, Alessia!" they chorused, enveloping me in a flurry of hugs and high-fives. The room buzzed with chatter as we relived the highlights of the game, each moment etched into our memories forever.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I soaked in the atmosphere, surrounded by the camaraderie and the unshakeable bond that had carried us through every challenge and triumph. This was more than just a victory, it was a celebration of everything we had worked for, everything we had sacrificed, and everything we had achieved together.

As we toasted to our success with bottles of champagne, the room erupted into cheers once again. We danced and sang, lost in the euphoria of the moment, our voices blending together in a chorus of joy and triumph. In that moment, surrounded by my teammates and friends, I knew that this was a memory I would cherish for the rest of my life, a reminder of the power of teamwork, determination, and the unbreakable spirit of the Lionesses. I couldn't help but feel grateful for each and every one of them for their support, their friendship, and their unwavering belief in what we could achieve together.

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